How awful for that young boy's family to lose him from such a reckless and avoidable circumstance 😭!! It's terrible to think that any of us can be taken at anytime due to…
I like how you pointed out that many mothers are still not done growing up themselves- it can be so hard to grow as a human and learn while also caring for a newborn! Our…
Awe, what a heartwarming post 😄
I think for mothers our children stay our babies for life. Many of us can feel our kids from a distance, and even when we know they are happy…
I absolutely adore the points you made here and how you highlighted patience and tenderness! It's so true that many of us struggle with self-image and our abilities after birth…
Hmmm an unrelated Friday bot notification brought me here so I guess it means I should ask a question... Well, I actually have a few if that's allowed 😄
You have Mal Reynolds…
What faction do you like to play best?! My SN comes from HOMM3, conflux faction... I actually like rampart the most though 😄
The first time I played 3 I was a kid and decades…
I've been following the phrase "heroes of might and magic" with Friday bot since forever and now I've finally gotten a notification about it! And what a notification it is- I…
A well-deserved pick here! @alonicus is a gem; fantastic writer, kind face on chain, and surely one multi-talented fella! I liked that you shouted out the world building prompts…
The photos of the water are lovely! It was wild to see how fast the weather changed- hopefully you got everything packed up before it started pouring! At least you said you were…
It can be so tricky to balance things with in-laws! It sounds like your sister-in-law chooses to see the negative in many things, which would frustrate me beyond belief too!