Is $20 a day worth the discomfort and my overall well-being?

Hello, everyone! Welcome to my blog. This is another special episode of minimalism prompt. A decision without minimising nor organising. In this post I would be sharing my decision on the $20 a day offer to stay in a clutter-packed home and I will disclose how long I would last or stay, if I take the offer.

This prompt has made me reminisce on the effect of a possibility that I have long avoided.

While growing up I have always lived with my family in a two bedroom apartment where we had a lot of valuable and invaluable items packed at every nook and crannies of the apartment. My mom would hoard things that she has no need for, you can't complain about the little space you get to sleep. I hate the feeling of someone's body touching mine especially when I am asleep. I remember hitting my sister so many times and sometimes I pushed her out of the bed just to be comfortable. We had lots of shoes and clothes that were long undersized and the occupied a good portion in our home. We keep repeating clothes because accessing those below was stressful, so we pick whatever we find at the top. No matter how we arrange the rooms it still looks disorganised because there are lot of items we need to declutter, give out to charity and also trash.

I don't really know how to work around a clutter-packed home but I managed to survive it only because I couldn't afford an apartment at that time. She could ask you to bring her an item and then you would spend several minutes searching for it, it's so frustrating.

And now I am married to a man who I have a lot of things in common with that includes the comfort of an organised home. We find it really difficult to live in a clutter-packed environment so you would frequently find us either decluttering or giving out to charity valuables that are no longer serving us or trashing invaluable items.


Photo by Ketut Subiyanto

I hate to look for things and I love my space. This is bringing me back to early January this year when we moved into an apartment. Hubby and I made sure to pack things in sections in order to enable us unpack with ease. By so doing, there is no excuse for sleeping in a clutter-packed home and tempering with our sanity, that was what we achieved. There is this fulfilling peace I get when everything and everywhere is organised.


There is no way I could adapt to a cluttered environment again. It's a decision I have conquered over the years. My health is my priority and $20 a day is not worth risking my health and comfort, the stress in trying to access items will invite discomfort which would temper with my mental and physical health.

Although $20 per day is quite tempting but not tempting enough especially when I don't have any tolerance for disorganisation. Considering the financial aspects of the daily earnings it only depends on how long one is willing to stay.

After considering a lot of physical and mental aspects, I wouldn't last up to a day. The impact on my personal well being and comfort is at stake here, if the offer was a little above $20 maybe $1000 or more I might reconsider but this time I would probably last only a complete day. At least I get to sort potential health related issues that might arise during the course of my stay in a clutter-packed home but I would be just like a ticking time bomb waiting to explode in order to get relief.

Thank you for visiting my blog🌸


That's true. Tge state of our home (cluttered) can affect our mental and physical health. How can you be happy and relax when all you see are disorganized things. And in cluttered house expects dust, dirt and everything that affects our health. Thank you for sharing. I can relate to you.


I am glad you can also relate, a clutter-packed home is to much to take in. Perhaps I would be tempted to organise things.

Thank you.


It might not be so easy to relax in such a situation


Yea, not easy considering it too.
