Steaming Hearts; A Coffee Tasting Date.

George was stepping out of his office to the conference hall when his phone started buzzing. He quickly glanced at the wall clock in the reception and it was some minutes past 11 a.m.

"Remi, why now?" George muttered and just ignored the call.

He checked the time again and realized he had thirty minutes before his presentation so he decided to grab a cup of coffee first.

George brews his coffee himself, unlike other staff who request the kitchen assistant to prepare coffee for them.

"Good afternoon sir," Angela greeted immediately George walked into the staff cafeteria.

"Hi, Angela. How are you today?" George replied. They exchanged pleasantries and George swung into action while Angela just watched.

George finished brewing and decided to spend 15 out of the 30 minutes left to enjoy his coffee.


After a few sips, his phone rang again.

"Oh Fred," George stuttered as he stared at the caller's name before picking up the call.

"What's up, man? I just realized it was you. Remi has kept me away from my phone since morning. He wouldn't stop teasing me because Liverpool lost to Arsenal," George said immediately after he picked up the call.

"I am good. Don't mind Remi; he is an unserious human. How is work?" Fred asked.

"Everything is fine, and I just have a presentation in less than 20 minutes. I am currently having coffee for some motivation," George replied and sipped from his cup.

"Now is not the time then; I have something bothering me but we can talk about it after work," Fred replied.

"I can't be too busy for you, Fred. Tell me what it is," George replied.

"Do you remember Cynthia? My crush at work?" Fred asked.

"Yes, I do. You have mentioned her a few times," George replied.

"We have been talking briefly for a while now and I want to take her on a date. She's a classy person and this could be my only shot at winning her heart. I want to do things right," Fred replied.

"That's cool man. Just take her to one of those luxury places on the island. She will love it," George replied.

"That's the issue. Things like that don't impress her and the few times I have seen her excited had to do with coffee. She loves coffee a lot and you know it's not my thing. Probably you can come up with ideas on anything coffee-related that could impress her on the date," Fred replied.

"Oh, that's quite thoughtful of you. I hope there is enough time left and I have to go now. We talk later in the evening," George responded and the call ended.

Later in the evening, George went to grab some coffee packs in the grocery store after work and a woman handed him a flyer she was distributing to people who came to the coffee section of the store. He was in a hurry to meet Fred and just squeezed the flyer into the shopping basket.

George paid for the stuff and took the flyer as well but didn't check what was on it. He drove down to the meeting place and after an hour of brainstorming with Fred, they couldn't figure out a perfect date plan involving coffee.

"This wasn't as easy as I thought," George muttered.

"I should probably give you time; we still have a whole week," Fred replied and they bid themselves goodbye.


George arrived home and unpacked the groceries, only to find the flyer sitting between the coffee packs.

He checked the content on the flyer and, it was an invite to a coffee-tasting event happening in the city mall. Just from the flyer, George could tell that it would be a massive one, and he made up his mind to attend.

Days passed, and Fred called to ask if George had figured it out.

"Nothing yet; I am still thinking. I will figure out something," George replied, and they spoke about other things before hanging up.

Immediately after the conversation ended, the coffee-tasting event crossed George's mind again, and he quickly called Fred to give him every detail.

"This would be awesome," Fred replied.

"Honestly, it's a good avenue to get to know each other better. No pressure about getting to know her more; just let her enjoy the whole activity there. Can you?" George asked.

"Why not? It's her outing, not mine," Fred replied, and they burst into laughter.

The big day came, and George arrived at the location before them. He got a message that they were at the venue, and he went to welcome them.

Unlike many ladies who were in gowns at the event, Cynthia came in jeans and sneakers. She was looking really smart, and George could tell when Fred was crazy about her.

They did a brief introduction, and Cynthia's expression showed that she was in love with the atmosphere.

"The aroma of the coffee has filled my lungs already; I can't wait to see what's happening inside," Cynthia whispered to Fred.

They held each other's hands and walked into the hall filled with guests and barristers from different parts of the world.

The air in the hall was filled with different coffee flavors, and Cynthia's excitement grew bigger as she toured the hall. She tried different types of coffee and learned several brewing methods.


They finally sat and talked about themselves for some time before calling it a day.

"Do you know this is the best date I have ever been on?" Cynthia asked as they stepped out of the hall.

"Really?" Fred replied.

"Yes, I had so much fun and wouldn't mind doing this again with you," she replied, and hugged Fred.

While waiting for Fred's call, George received a WhatsApp message from Fred, and he said, "Mission accomplished."

George smiled and continued with his coffee drink, knowing fully well that Fred had captured Cynthia's heart.


Fred was just scared for nothing. To please a woman especially one that is not vain, you just need to put her in her element and watch her thrive.


Hmmmm, he probably doesn't just know how to impress Cynthia just because she was a coffee lover and he wasn't.

Glad George came to his rescue... Glad you enjoyed reading .
