Coffee Individuality


In a world where coffee has become a favorite beverage for many people, it's impossible not to see some coffee-making or drinking habits that seem wierd to us.

A lot of people choose to enjoy their coffee in different ways, and what's the point of the point of drinking coffee when it's not accompanied by satisfaction?


In the quest for satisfaction, people have come up with different coffee habits just to make every sip impactful, and there shouldn't be any issue with that as long as it doesn't affect other humans negatively because there is no joy in hurting others just to please ourselves. Whenever we encounter people with different coffee habits from ours, we are left with numerous questions about why and what they derive from doing things the unusual way. If you are lucky, you will get answers, and when it's the other way around, we are just left with different thoughts playing in our heads.

As we journey through life and meet different people, it's impossible not to meet people whose way of life is different from ours. These differences are inspired by culture, exposure, education, belief, and many others. I so much respect our differences because they distinguish us and give us some kind of uniqueness that we do not even place much priority on. I have said it several times that the world will be a boring place if every human does things the same. Let's take a minute to imagine a world without different perspectives, cultures, and experiences; it would definitely be boring, and stagnation would be the trend. Our differences are what spark creativity, innovation, and progress, so why kick against them?

Some years ago, I worked with some expatriates who were coffee lovers, and it's nothing unusual to see foreigners enjoy coffee a lot. Many of them can't go a day without coffee, and it's fair to say that they have influenced a lot of Nigerians, especially at the workplace, to also enjoy coffee.

The company's coffee was restricted to a certain level of staff because the company has over 5,000 workers, and it's unwise to give everyone access to coffee daily. Unfortunately, I didn't fall into the category of those who had access, even as a supervisor, but there was one of my bosses who liked me a lot, and he insisted that we have coffee together, especially at the end of the month when my team performs extraordinarily.

"George, do you want some snacks, or should Mercy make noodles for you as usual?" My boss asks me this same question every time we settle for coffee after or during a meeting.

"Oh, noodles is fine." He would reply to his question even before I did because he enjoys teasing me about eating noodles when having coffee.


It feels ordinary to me, but my boss finds it funny. He claims that food interferes with the taste of the coffee so its either coffee or food at different time, but it's not the same for me. I enjoy my coffee, drinking it only, and when there is anything to munch on, I don't hesitate, especially whenever my belly is empty.

My boss, on the other hand, smokes when drinking coffee, and it's just unbelievable to me even though it's not new to many; he was the first person I have seen combining both in reality.

"Sorry! I have to use this." This is my boss's favorite line when he's reaching for his lighter after being served coffee.

In my head, I always think that nicotine and caffeine have some similar effects, so why take both at the same time? I never asked why because he might feel offended; he is someone who gets offended quite easily.


"I started smoking first and became addicted because a lot of my peers practiced it where I came from. When I got married to my wife, who is a coffee lover, she tried replacing coffee with cigarettes. Somehow, I enjoyed smoking while having coffee, and it became part of me. There is always something missing whenever I do one without the other, and my wife gave up on trying to make me quit cigarettes. It's been over 15 years now, so you can understand how long I have come with both." My boss shared with me how coffee and cigarettes became a combo after I summoned the courage to ask on a very good day.

Although I could relate to his story, it still doesn't sit well having both together but what can I do? Absolutely nothing since he doesn't harm anyone with his habit. Like I mentioned earlier, people would do extra for the sake of satisfaction, especially with coffee, so my boss's case is understandable.

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0.00319297 BEE

Nicotine and caffeine have some similar effects, so why take both at the same time?

That's a legitimate question as they are having they similar effect on me too. It just shows different strokes for different folks. I don't see a connection between coffee and noodles, but I do prefer to have my coffee with a meal or pastry.
Thanks for taking part this week.
Have a great day!

0.00303331 BEE

Coffee actually goes with anything and it depends on the state of my belly at that time. It's definitely a case of different strokes for different folks.

Thanks for the contribution and happy Tuesday...

0E-8 BEE

I have also seen many people drinking coffee and smoking, it seems to me that these people develop a very curious taste between cigarettes and coffee. What you tell us is very interesting.

Thanks for sharing.
Happy Monday.

0.00298697 BEE

I agree with that as well, upon trying different stuffs, we get attached to things and become inseperable in the end.

0E-8 BEE


0E-8 BEE

0E-8 BEE

Thanks for the curation...

0.01805233 BEE

!giphy welcome


0E-8 BEE