

Docente y aficionado al periodismo amateur - Productor audiovisual en HIVE

What a man!
gaborockstar reblogged
The Ink Well

What a man!

Juliet jumped up happily from her bed after she got a letter of resumption in a very big workplace where she has always wished to work. She rejoiced for about five minutes after…

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Life As A Vegan.
gaborockstar reblogged

Life As A Vegan.

I know we all pray to have money because money is like the most important thing on earth but it’s still not. Health is wealth and what is money without a good health? It is…

0.05378598 BEE
Everything Is The Problem.
gaborockstar reblogged

Everything Is The Problem.

There was a time when I was saving up to get a car but I later used it for my business. What’s the essence of having a car without having a means of fueling the car when I don’t…

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