A wednesdaywalk in some local parks in the evening

The many rains of recent times have an advantage; the parks nearby are very green. The period of blooming flowers in the parks is over. Now it's mainly the green leaves that you see. If you take a walk towards the evening like I did, it’s already quite dark in the wooded parks due to the thick foliage.


What always grows abundantly are nettles. As you can see in the photo, they are enormously tall. Always be careful, because the hairs of the nettle cause a terrible rash and itch. I once fell into them as a child, and I can tell you it’s no fun. I remember my mom washed me with some vinegar. Vinegar eases the itching. But it’s better that you don't get near the nettles altogether.


The parks are well-maintained. What you see more often nowadays is natural management. A good example of this are the fallen and felled trees that are left in the parks. These trees are slowly absorbed by the forest and even while being dead, the trees provide nourishment to the forest.


I find trees very interesting. Below, you see a tree entwined by a parasitic plant. It looks like a kind of vine winding around the tree.


In one of the parks there is a stately castle. The castle is surrounded by water and over the water lies this stately bridge. I really like the curly handrail.


Further on in another park I saw another example of forest management. On some trees, the managers have marked crosses. They do this on trees that need to be felled. If they don't, the trees will crowd each other and the ground in the park won’t get enough sunlight. So, felling the trees is really necessary.
On one of the trees, there was even an exclamation mark. That tree must really need to go, I think.


And here is another example of forest management. These logs have been lying here for a while and are probably already full of many insects.


On the way back home, I saw a tree in the neighborhood that was probably affected by some kind of bacteria. That’s why it has such a strange shape.


And finally, I had to wait for a few geese that crossed my path. They were on their way to the ditch. It was a funny sight. They took their time, but I was in no hurry.


I hope you enjoyed my #wednesdaywalk.



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That tree indeed has an odd shape.

The geese are so cute, they are like a little moving collection hahaha, so we can't frame them like beer bottles caps 😄

0E-8 BEE

I've seen more trees like this but never this misformed.

The geese look cute, but they can be quite agressive when you come to close. And they are in a public park, so there are also kids playing there.
Maybe we should frame them 😃

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Where does an 800 pound gorilla sleep?
Wherever he wants.

Credit: reddit
@friendlymoose, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of hivephoto



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