Everyone has a number


Everyone has a number.

Direct from the desk of Dane Williams.

What’s your number?

Judging by the bump in engagement, it seemed that yesterday’s hustle culture is bullshit blog struck some kind of nerve.

Whether you agree with that statement or not, the engagement certainly made me lol.

Have you ever wondered why Facebook and Twitter design their algos the way they do?

Because pitting two passionate sides against each other head to head means they can’t help but engage.

And engagement means ad revenue.

This is a prime example of this concept at play out in the wild.

Let’s just say that my copywriting spidey senses are tingling like nothing else.

Fun :)

Lol, I still think hustle culture is bullshit

But there was more to that particular blog post than getting up people’s goats.

I do genuinely believe that hustle culture is bullshit.

I’ll say it again.

If you’re going to go to the next level, you don’t need to work harder.

You need to put yourself in a position to make life changing money.

That’s all.

That certainly doesn’t mean working like a slave.

It just doesn’t.

There are smarter, more efficient ways to get to that point than endlessly hustling.

And in the world of crypto, it means making your money work for you.

Yes, OBVIOUSLY you need to work in order to build your base capital.

Then have the discipline to not blow it on dumb, thoraway shit you don’t need.

(There you go hustlers, take this as a moral victory and hustle away.)

But once you start down this path, having your money in the right places can mean that you incrementally need to hustle less, while actually receiving the same output.

In this corner of the digital world, you actually don’t need a ridiculously large amount of startup capital to achieve life changing money.

Hear me out.

What’s your number?

Do you have a number that you want to get to where you can start withdrawing to pay yourself a wage?

You do.

I know the topic of withdrawing is taboo here on Hive, but there’s no need to be ashamed.

Everyone has a number (and if you don’t, then get one).

Going back to yesterday’s blog post again, I bolded the following excerpt for a reason:

For many of us here, starting with the goal of a passive $50,000 USD per year salary and figuring out how high your crypto stack of income generating digital assets needs to be in order to reach that number, is key.

So a $50K USD yearly salary is as good a place as any to set a base.

Meaning that it’s your initial number that you stop and allow your income generating stack to start paying you a wage.

Remember that depending on how and where you continue to allocate your base capital, you can always make that number go up or down.

Just by keeping things just in the Hive/LeoFinance/Cub ecosystem, you have a range of yield earning options at your fingertips.

Each with varying degrees of volatility and price risk.

From 12% on Hive’s HBD.

To 100% on Cub’s bLEO:BNB LP.

All the way up to PolyCub’s still ridiculous 766.61% on xPolyCUB, you certainly have options that cater.

Start doing the math.

How much of a base do you need to get to $50K per year?

Play with the numbers if you allocate certain portions of your stack to different platforms featuring varying levels of risk and reward.

Likely you’re not going to have the base capital to get there in one hit.

So, start breaking it down into monthly goals needed to hit your target.

It can be done and I’m going to keep going down the rabbit hole to lay out the roadmap.

Best of probabilities to you.

PS. What’s your number?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I don't really know what my number is but I would like to be financially independent. Costs change over time but building the income streams is the first thing I want to do. I also think 50k a year is fairly hard. It would require around 500k HBD alone in the savings at the current rates.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


So your 500K HBD is the goal.

Are you looking elsewhere for higher yields?

Possibly in assets that you expect to appreciate in value as well?

Start breaking down what you need to eventually reach your 500K HBD goal.

It can be done!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I know it's possible but 500k sure looks like a huge hurdle to pass. For now, I'll just add to my savings every now and then.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Yes, seems everyone is talking smart money lately, what's going on? Seems hustlers wanna turn billionaires already?😅

Anyways, you're right, there's always a number, $50k a year simply means you need half a million in HBD savings, while that is currently impossible to even acquire, there are alternatives like UST on anchor, so, with a 20% APR, that means you need around $250k?

Well, now that's magic money, to most of us at least, but that being another man's target, I can narrow it down a bit. The most important things for me at the moment would be a getting sustainable income of like $10,000-12,000 a year so that's like $1k monthly, that would handle basic expenses, and I can enjoy my life and job not thinking too much...


That 250K in UST on Anchor may seem like an unattainable end goal.

But there are a ton of higher yielding assets that can help you get there.

Start breaking things down as to what sort of returns, over what sort of timeframe, you need to get there.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I don't think I can earn 25k$ in a year, but im seriously happy with my compounding strategies. I'm not ashamed of withdrawing from Hive, I just make sure not to touch my capital which is actually good enough. In reality, working smart is evening working hard. It just doesn't involve struggling too much. Making one's money work for them is the key like you mentioned.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Never be ashamed of withdrawing.

We are literally building this to offer a way that we can all withdraw money, while still adding value to the platform.

Are you still managing to compound at all while you make your consistent withdrawals?

This is the key.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I don't make consistent withdrawals, I just take from the profits of my compounding and reinvest, then take profits and put it in for good use in the things I need the funds to take care of. For now, I think this is bliss. My base capital remains Intact.


😂😂 Now my spidey senses are calculating although I suck at doing them. My number is $1m dollar of net worth in assets of course. Using them if I am able to generate 5% of my net worth every year, that comes out to be $50k. With that much money you can live like a king in India :') At that point I will stop working like a slave.

That's the base I want to set for myself in the next 5 years. Lots of work to be done and for that I need to hustle a little bit.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


$50k a year, I can cut that number to 1/5 and live well in Indonesia for $10k a year, so $100k with HBD savings 12% APY is enough, you will know if you ever take vacation to Indonesia, you can live with that and some paradise in your life, Some of Villa cost/month is also cheap. For that I need to keep stacking $54/day and achieved that within 5 years. That goal will be even faster with Anchor Protocol UST 19.95%. Is it really sustainable tho? 😲

That makes me thinking, If I go all in my asset in crypto I already achieved that $10k a year passive income target, if I can do that, why not with $50k/year, especially in the next bull market I wish I can double, or maybe 5x my investment. I hope I can achieve all of that.

But right now I am not hustle so much. I start small and learn, diversified my portfolio into HP, LEO, start doing Polycub and CUBDefi, learn to write well, enjoying what I love doing, and still about 80% of it is in fast exit Liquidity aset. For me I am doing like work hard, rest hard, play hard!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Awesome to see that you have a comprehensive plan.

You're actually running the numbers and putting yourself in a position to succeed rather than just aimlessly hustling.

Keep it up my friend, you've got this!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Coincidentally or not, 50K USD per year is very close to my actual number.

There are a few uncertainties involved though because that number is based on the current USD/BRL rate. As it is today, I can live very well on that. Things may change in the future but I think if I get to that point, I'll have enough resources to adapt accordingly.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Run your numbers on varying fiat exchange rates and token prices.

Set your goal at what you think would be the bargain basement price and any movement above that will act as sort of a pay rise haha.

Also, it's cool to see you're getting into Hivebits.

I'm so irrationally into stacking them haha.

Now you only need 5 more !LUV and you can call this bot from the same team :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Yea, that's a good idea. I'll run optimist, pessimist and realist scenarios and work it out from there.

And yea, hivebits was a great find! Stacking them like crazy haha

I'll see about getting some LUV too. I love those tipping bots

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


All valid points. I think it needs to be stressed that hustle is vital early on. There is no way to get around that in the early stages. In fact, many come to Hive believing that they will do a few posts and get thousands of dollars.

That said, the old idea of putting one's money to work is the road to wealth comes into place. There is no way to make the large sums without investing (unless you are a high paid athlete or movie star). Outside that, the key is to take money and put it to work.

On Hive, alone, we have so many options. Take the rewards and put them to use. No need even to invest from the outside if one doesnt have it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


All of the connected DeFi options allow you to scale your humble blogging hustle up.

So there is a smart way to move forward.

Just don't get caught slogging it out forever in a place that doesn't allow you to scale.

Yes, that includes the writing aspect on Hive.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Hive 100k
Leo 100k
Cub 100k
PolyCub 100k.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


These are your token stacks of each?

Does the price of each individual asset change those numbers?

For example, what you can earn off a 100K HIVE stack with price at $5 will be a lot more than if price was at 20c.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Where we are right now, there's not a whole lot of wiggle room in the budget for investing. However, when it does happen, I'd like to eventually hit the point where I'm able to generate at least $30k a year in passive income. That way, all basic bills and necessities for living are met, and the rest of my active income becomes investing/fun money. Haven't done the math on what I would need to get there, but that's my number.


My goal is to have a portfolio of $200K farming and to take 80% of the gains from the farm as salary to keep growing. It seems far away... but I have 8x'ed since 2020... if we can do a few more of those... we are close. The $50K number as a salary is a nice idea... but it is hard to shoot for a specific number. If I can earn decent APR on solid projects (30% on RUNE/BTC for example), the principle is not at great risk of disappearing... and the interest would still be significant. That is what I am working towards.

TLDR: number = $200K, salary = 80% of interest.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
