A Cinematic Vision [SaturdayRain]

Lluvias y un findesema tormentoso...
Que mejor remedio que un poco de Skate?!


  • Rains and a stormy weekend...

What better remedy than a bit of skateboarding!

Saludos a todos los hermanos que forman del SkateHive.


  • Greetings to all the brothers who are part of SkateHive.

Este sabado me fui a patinar al spot cercano de la casa ya que habia llovido estos dos últimos días, pero para mi sorpresa estaba ocupado el lugar.

  • This Saturday I went to skate at the spot near the house since it had rained the last two days, but to my surprise the place was busy.

Antes de salir de casa, tomé varias fotos que según to quedaron brutales!


  • I took several pictures before leaving the house, which I thought turned out great!


Bórralo, no me entenderé con éste post, les dejo un par de GIF de lo grabado;


  • Delete it, I will not extend this post, I leave a couple of GIFs of what was recorded.


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  • Camera: Xiaomi Redmi9A.
  • Edition: EPIK (Android)

If u want to see more content similar or familiar with the StreetArt or SkateHive stuffs, u can just click on here and watch one of my last post.
Any comments always welcome u are the only one who can see what im doing wrong or what i'm missing here
