Some misconception about Nigerians.

Hello hivers, It feels good to be alive. I say this because there are a lot of people who have gone to the grave without knowing some truth about this world and the people living in it, but I count myself lucky because I will be sharing some truth with you today. Today, I will write about some misconceptions the world has about Nigerians and the truth about them.

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I am a proud Nigerian, born and raised in that country, so I know about the country. There are indeed a few misconceptions about Nigeria that I would be glad to address. One common misconception is that Nigeria is a land of perpetual chaos and instability. While it is true that Nigeria has faced its fair share of challenges, it is important to note that it is a vibrant and diverse country with a rich cultural heritage. The issue that led to this misconception started in 2015, during the terrorist attack on Nigerian soil. These people call themselves "Boko Haram." Nigeria has been a land of peace ever since civilian rule started; it is not like there is a continuous struggle for power and unrest in the country. There are so many places in Nigeria that you can visit without fear of war. 85% of Nigerian citizens live in peace after the end of the terrorist attack.

Another misconception about Nigeria is that some people may mistakenly believe that Nigeria is solely an oil-rich nation. While oil remains an important part of Nigeria's economy, it is worth noting that the country is also rich in other natural resources, such as natural gas, solid minerals, and agricultural products. Nigeria has a diverse economy, with significant contributions from sectors like telecommunications, banking, entertainment, and agriculture. Many investors from other countries love to start up their companies in Nigeria because Nigeria is a land where everything that is planted grows.

Nigeria is solely defined by its negative aspects, such as corruption and crime. While these issues do exist, we have the stat that talks about Nigeria having a higher percentage of scammers and corrupt leaders. This is because they are caught, and we do not support such acts in the country.

Nigerians are known to have a vast population of hardworking, innovative, and resilient individuals who contribute positively to various fields. It is a country with immense potential and remarkable achievements. There is a misconception that all Nigerians are scammers or involved in fraudulent activities. This stereotype is unfair and misleading. Like in any country, some individuals engage in illegal activities, but it is crucial to remember that the actions of a few do not define the entire population. Nigerians, just like people from any other nation, are a diverse group with a wide range of professions and talents.

In conclusion, Nigeria is a country with its fair share of challenges, but it is also a nation of great potential, cultural richness, and hardworking individuals. It is essential to avoid generalizations and embrace a vaster understanding of this beautiful country. Here on Hive, Nigeria is one of the highest users of Hive, with Venezuela at the top. Thanks for reading.

This is my entry for the juneinleo prompt on misconception. There are a lot more topics on different days. Everyone is free to join and write about any of the topics. Visit @leogrowth for more information.

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0.03695123 BEE

I enjoyed reading your post. It puts a lot of things in perspective.

I had to laugh when I read:

... Nigeria having a higher percentage of scammers and corrupt leaders. This is because they are caught, and we do not support such acts in the country.

It made me think that in other countries I've lived in, such as Hungary, Germany, Mexico, or especially the US, there is also a high percentage of corrupt leaders. However, they are NOT caught, because they are themselves in charge of the catching.

So go Nigeria! Best wishes and keep on hiving!

0.00006250 BEE

Your comment did you a smile on my face because you saw the point I was trying to make😅😅

Thanks for the comment

0.00003649 BEE

😜 😁 🤣

0E-8 BEE

Another misconception about Nigeria is that some people may mistakenly believe that Nigeria is solely an oil-rich nation. While oil remains an important part of Nigeria's economy, it is worth noting that the country is also rich in other natural resources, such as natural gas, solid minerals, and agricultural products. Nigeria has a diverse economy, with significant contributions from sectors like telecommunications, banking, entertainment, and agriculture. Many investors from other countries love to start up their companies in Nigeria because Nigeria is a land where everything that is planted grows.

Well, actually, when I looked for what drives the huge inflation, I've learnd it was food prices, which keep growing due to poor agriculture.

Regarding the GDP per capita, Nigeria is at the very tail, 167th of 191 ranked countries (see). That does not sound like a rich country with diverse economy to me.

0E-8 BEE

Smiles, I get your point and you’re right to say the country isn’t rich. This is due to the misuse of public funds and poor administration which I don’t want to talk about.

We do have diverse economies structure that if well invested in, the country will do better but what can I say about the fact that you have said Nothing. We just hoping for a better leadership and country. Thanks for the comment.

0E-8 BEE