Asobi Asobase: Anime Kids can relate with. Review.


Hello, anime lovers and kids all over the world! Since its Children's Day in the month of May and in our anime community's monthly quest, I would like to write about a kid-friendly anime. I have watched so many anime, some of which I can relate to and some of which I cannot, but as an adult, I can relate so much to this anime because most of what happens in the anime is something I have passed through while growing up.

Asobi Asobase

Asobi Asobase is an anime that's based on three girls friendships through their school year. This anime shows more life in the daily lives of these kids in their school, and what happens after they leave school. It is embedded with comedy, a slice of life, and lessons to be learned by all who will watched it.


The characters are based on kids who are still in their growing stages. Many of the characters are from different backgrounds, which means the way they think and have fun will be different. The story focuses on the three girls, Olivia, Hanako Honda, and Kasumi Nomura. These three girls were joined by fate, they became friends, and they love to play game which led to them creating a game club in their school just for three of them but as you know it, there will always be others who want to have fun too.


Olivia has a foreign background, which makes her hair blonde. Her parents are foreigners, but Olivia was born and brought up in Japan, which means she speaks more Japanese and less English. Hanako doesn't know this, so Olivia usually play the "I don't understand what you are saying" so she can avoid questions and play pranks on her friend.

Hanako Honda

Hanako is Olivia's first friend; she became friends with Olivia to help her with her Japanese because she thinks Olivia doesn't understand Japanese. Little did she know that Olivia was playing her. She has a sweet personality and can get carried away easily, even when they are studying. Hanako is always ready to do whatever it takes to make her friends happy.

Kasumi Nomura

Kasumi wasn't fond of Olivia and Hanako at first because she hated fun. Since she was little, she had always lost in games against her big sister, which made her dislike fun. She is a scholar who spends most of her time reading but always gets angry at Olivia and Hanako when they are playing. After she failed her English test. She had no choice but to beg Olivia to teach her English. On the other hand, Olivia also doesn't know much of the English language because she was brought up in Japan. She made a deal with Kasumi to join their game, thinking Kasami would turn it down, but she agreed. Olivia was shocked by this.

Reaction and funny face.

Another thing that made this anime kids friendly were the reactions from the characters. Their reactions are so funny they will make anyone laugh. Apart from their reactions, what they say and do is what kids do most of the of the time.


I would say that this anime is good for kids to watch. I can say its rated PG. It's funny; it lacks any bad words; there aren't any bloody scenes or scenes that are not meant for kids. It's pure comedy and kid stuff. If you're looking for a startup anime for your kids, then I would recommend you give them Asobi Asobase. It also has a manga series
Thanks for reading.

first image was sourced from [IMb]()

The makeup image was sourced from Bing

The rest of the images are screenshots from the anime series on my mobile phone.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


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Interesting, looks like I would be checking this out


You should check it out
I’m sure you will
Love it


I had never considered knowing anime that are suitable for children. Certainly the design of most characters (especially female characters) and many plot situations are not suitable for children who are in formative stages.

Thanks for sharing. Best regards!


I recognized this anime precisely because of the expressions haha I used to see in the social networks and I was attracted by those faces 😂

You can hardly find anime for children, so it's an excellent option that you share 👌


Their expressions are very funny
And I think anyone including children can watch it
