
Hi lovely hivers,
It's another beautiful month and week. So honoured to participate in this prompt. Before I proceed, I would like to define what expectations simply means to me. Expectation is an outcome which an individual anticipate from a task. It also means desires, wishes that one has over a thing. As far as I am concerned, this month is one of my favourite months because it's the starter of the remaining quarter we have. Therefore I have lots of expectations hoping to become a reality at the end in the hive ecosystem.

what I look forward to change.

I'm not satisfied with the previous months. I'm highly optimistic that this September, so many things will take a new shape.

  • I look forward to build consistency in all the engagements in this community by dropping a post, comment on other post and up vote them appropriately. I would make it as a point of duty to comment on not less than three post.
  • I look forward to increase my followers though I have started towards the end of last but this September I'll be deliberate in ensuring that I follow at least five in a day. In such doing, I will increase traffic on my post.
  • I look forward in increasing my hive power by powering up weekly so that I would be able to meet up with my yearly target of 1000 hive power. I would also invest in hive.
  • I look forward to Share the good news of hive to at least five of my friends before month ends and I remain positive that they would be consistent and stay in the ecosystem.

In adding, I will share the link of my post to other social handles in order to create more awareness about hive.

What I intend to learn

I'm very open to learning new things therefore I will keep visiting other people's blog to read thereby learn certain things. Consequently there will be transformation in me. No man is a monopoly of knowledge. I was shocked to my bones recently when my son of age three and half corrected over something...I was like this one? Hmmm I quickly humbled myself and picked the necessary thing.


It's good for one to set up goals for the month because it gives direction, guides and keeps one focused. One thing is to have expectations another thing is to evaluate and measure up the level of attainment of such. I pray this month would be better in all facets than the previous.

Thanks for reading my entry for this week's engagement.


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 173 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!


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Thank you for sharing your goals for the month. I pray God gives you the strength to achieve them.

I was shocked to my bones recently when my son of age three and half corrected over something...

lol, it sounds funny though but we are in a generation that keeps learning from both old and new generations. I see the baby is a great child, and I'm glad you were humble to learn. Anticipate for more though, lol.
