Russia charges Wall Street Journal reporter Gershkovich with espionage


Greetings to my esteemed friends on the InformationWar platform and the entire hive blockchain. It's another day and time to share with you happenings around the world, most especially in Russia. It's your friend @faquan, saying hello from this part of the world.


US Wall Street Journal Reporter Evan GershkovichSource

One of the worries about journalism is the risky nature of the job. There has been a great fight against freedom of expression and how it has affected the journalism profession across the world.

Although most activities of some journalist have proven that they're working as propagandist to nations who pay high money for their services. I stand to be corrected if I'm wrong in my views about the journalism profession.

Since the inception of the war in Ukraine, many activists and journalists have been detained by the Russian government for expressing their views and linking with the West and calling for the Russian government to end the war in Ukraine.

Fighting one's right of expression is against the universal human rights, all the Russian government needs to fight those who release classified information about the Russian Federation to her enemies.

The Russian government have charged Wall Street Journal reporter Gershkovich with espionage and this has been seen by the US government as ridiculous.

Russian Federal Security Service investigators have formally charged Evan Gershkovich with espionage but the Wall Street Journal reporter denied the charges and said he was working as a journalist, Russian news agencies reported on Friday.

Russia's Federal Security Service, the main successor to the Soviet-era KGB, said on March 30 that it had detained Gershkovich in the Urals city of Yekaterinburg and had opened an espionage case against the 31-year-old for collecting what it said were state secrets about the military industrial complex.

The allegations leveled against Gershkovich by the FSB investigators have been denied completely by him. Gershkovich said he isn't spying on the Russian government rather he was carrying out his nobel duty as a reporter for the Wall Street Journal.

It should be noted that Gershkovich came to Russia in 2017 in order to join the English-language Moscow Times, and subsequently worked for the French national news agency Agence France-Presse (AFP).

Russia announced the start of its "special military operation" in February 2022, just as Gershkovich was in London, about to return to Russia to join the Journal's Moscow bureau.

The Russian prosecutors have formally filed a case of espionage against Gershkovich and will start the trials soon. The US as well as the Wall Street Journal condemned the arrest and detention of Gershkovich and have asked the Russian government to release the Russian-speaker in order for him to return to work. The Wall Street Journal authorities described Gershkovich as one of her trusted reporters.

