Accommodating Others


Greetings to my esteemed friends on the Cent commumity and the entire hive blockchain. It's another day and time to share with you tips that'll help you live and affect people positively in this difficult times. It's your friend @faquan saying hello from this part of the world.



Accommodating others is a special gift that everyone needs to online to have. This is because we are not from the same home, culture, race and ethnicity. Also all fingers are not equal just like our faces are different.

What does it mean to accommodate others? They simply means knowing a person and respecting the person for whom he or she is irrespective of your faults, flaws and weaknesses.

One truth about life is that everyone has his or her own faults, flaws and weaknesses but many don't see their's the only see others. Not seeing your mistakes shows that others are seeing it and if you know that you have mistakes then you need to accommodate others when they make mistakes.

Have you observed that you cover up the mistakes of people you love and try to make everyone around you see the imperfections in them but when it comes to somebody you are not close to you tend to select their fault and make it more obvious and the normal man we'll see.

It simply means that one of the ways to accommodate others is to love them irrespective of whom and what they are. Love covers multitude of mistakes and should be the gateway for everyone to move forward in life and make significant success.

When last did you make up or accommodate someone that is not close to you but is in need of your support to succeed in life and to become something meaningful in his or her career.

Most person will say that they are critiquing another to make a person better but I think constructive criticism mixed with love should be the order of the day when correcting somebody. This is because the strategy correct and proffer solutions that will help the person become better in life.

Accommodating others isn't inherent in most people so they feel it's a difficult task to achieve but the truth is that one can learn the gimmicks of accommodating people who are around the homes and workplace. It could be learnt and built upon so far as a person has a teachable spirit.
