Russia Is NOT My Enemy!


People are questioning each other's allegiances here in the USA. The democrats, "the left", and progressives are ironically turning their backs on their Soviet Communist Comrades of the KGB, such as Putin, just for a show of force and opposition to Donald Trump. The claims about Putin and Trump's relationship still persists in these crowds, but really, it's just all politics and saber rattling. This is what they cling to, but they are missing the big picture, just like they always do.

The way I see the Ukrainian conflict with Russia's invasion is quite simple: America shouldn't get involved because Russia is not my enemy. My views on Russia have always been seen as Russia is a rival but not an enemy. Russia should be a trade partner, not a military adversary. Russia is our neighbor and not the cause of our destruction. Russia to me will likely never be my enemy until war is declared and the fight reaches my state here in Florida.

In essence, this battle is more of a fight for Europeans, not a fight for the Americans (including Canada, Latin America and the Caribbean). This is a fight for the old world, not the new world. As much as we have war mongers in this country, it seems that the anti-war crowd, especially on the left, have gone silent. There is barely any consistency these days, but once again, Russia is not my enemy.

Russia isn't seeking to disarm me. Russia is not trying to indoctrinate my family; Russia isn't grooming little children at the age of 5 for their sick "education" for transgender issues. Russia isn't trying to teach Latinos in America to hate white Americans just because of some ridiculous notion of privilege. Russia isn't seeking to divide America, but the intersectionalists in America are.

My true enemy is a domestic issue, not a foreign one, until it reaches home. My enemy are communists, socialists and authoritarian Democrats here in the United States, not a Russian a few miles away from Alaska. The truth harm done to this country has been methodical, not a blast from a war head so far. Russia isn't my enemy, domestic communists and intersectionalists are. A war with Russia is nothing but a distraction from the real threat that is growing in the United States.

Russia is NOT my enemy... Perhaps, for now.


The leftist I know want to disassociates Russia from their beloved Marxism.

The narrative is that Communism failed in the Soviet Union because Russians are somehow morally defective.

The game of associating Trump with Putin has the effect of associating Putin with Trump. The false narratives have the game of lumping all the people who the left hate in a single scary monster on which they can project their fear and hate.
