Concerning the female Korean actress, well she got herself involved in a drunk driving incident that caused an issue in so doing, it lead to her being kicked out of some projects…
I have heard of cases of private hospitals forcing CS option on pregnant women in order to maximise their profit, it is the reality we now face, everyone seems to be more…
You have highlighted interesting points, apart from the physical factors you have highlighted, I agree more with the psychological part you have explained. Most children who were…
Well, activities such as this always have a way of influencing our mind positively and also encourage us to work ourselves. I'm sure the kids are quite aware that you are not…
My church also does something similar, every three month we visit different prisons and provide them different all kinds of provisions, we call it prison ministration. It is a…
This is serious, I mean your landlord accused your husband of being an armed robber, not just accusing alone he reported him to a police station and his accusation turns out to…