Most often we are confronted with fears of the unknown, everything in life is somehow tied to risk, most times inevitable, but it is more risky not to take the risk, this is a hard truth every business person out there bears like a mantra at the back of their mind, from the day we drew our first breathe of these ancient world we were exposed to risk untold...

In as much as the very future that include even the next second is filled with uncertainties beyond our grip so this causes us to becoomee skeptical about things and their outcomes, everybody most of the time is bound by these fears along the line it creates these feeling of being optimistic and pessimistic in us a tool to weigh the possible outcome of things whether favourable or not to enable us base our decision on a fixed outcome

This fears have trapped many in their shell for live, but also this fears that has gripped others to a spot also become a daring tool to wake up and head on, whatever it is so be it.

You see like a child daring to take the first step despite knowing he or she would fall and get injured we must striv, that child probably is tired seeing other kids run around, the child must get up and try knowing fully well that if other kids like him could run him too will also run ,it’s all about a mind made up to do it


I have been very skeptical about riding a motorbike, luckily my brother owns these right here, these fears of the unknown still hold me back and I don’t know why, you see I own a bicycle, I can do several stunt with, but a motorbike which is an easier version of a bicycle I’m still not sure why I can’t go easy with this, one of the thought that came to mind is probably I’m not ready to ride it, exact same word one of my friend said, “Sammy you’re not ready” but I feel ready tho

It’s hard for me to assimilate this altogether and well? I feel that it’s just because I’m not actually ready to learn how to ride a motorbike because I don’t see the need for it now, after all I’m just in a short visit to this village and I’ll soon go back to we’re i base for the mean time

Which all the same got me thinking about why some of us don’t have allow circumstances to tie us down in a spot is because we haven’t gotten enough sufficient reason to get back up, one time I was watching a movie and these man so maltreat his last so bad despite all she tries to do to calm him down, not until a friend of hers keeps counseling her to manned up and confront the husband, when she did, it all stopped and the man started apologizing, that’s how I feel about confronting our fears, instead of feel sorry, weak, feeble, helpless, and stuck in that situation why not bone up take bold step and do what you have to do and mind in whatever consequences lies ahead

