Gartner Predicts by 2026 People will Spend 1 Hour a Day in Metaverse


Gartner, which is a research firm has predicted that by the end of 2026, a quarter of all people will be spending minimum 1 hour per day in the metaverse.

According to them, people will soon be using metaverse for different purposes like work, shopping, education etc. Companies are making ways for users accross the globe to attract them towards the digital world.

According to Marty Resnick who is the vice president research at Gartner, that users buying digital lands, attending classrooms etc are now being conducted in a separate environments, but then we will see these things happening in a single environment, the metaverse, with different destinations accross technologies and experiences.

Gartner also mentioned the role of crypto and blockchain protocol would play in the progress happening around metaverse.


Samsung also jumping into the metaverse showing their temporary store in the virtual world.

Samsung is now looking its activities in the metaverse to a next level by unveiling its new smartphone at the store and the event will be streamed live at its website, Facebook, Tiktok and Twitch channels.

Samsung has more plans for its X837 store in the basket and may be arranging more events for its metaverse community.

I actually loved how Samsung is availing this metaverse technology for boosting their business.

I would not be surprised to see some other giant companies companies diving into the metaverse, embracing it and avail it for their business use.

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0E-8 BEE

I believe you, Soon every body will be making use of metaverse because almost all the companies are trying to have their own metaverse.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0E-8 BEE

The future and our realities will be completely digital! ✌️

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