A lie that almost ruined my beautiful relationship

Greetings everyone!

You are highly welcome to my blog, and today I will be dropping my own write-up on one of the many topics released by Sir Galenkp.
Picture of me with my brother and his apprentice

Have I lied to someone in a way that has affected them negatively?

Yes, I have lied many times, but I will focus on only one, which almost ruined my relationship with the person I lied to.
Earlier this year, around February or March, a friend of mine introduced me to an online business. I said, Let me give the opportunity a try since it came from someone I really trust.

I didn't have any money on me to put into the online business, but a thought came to mind: lie to your sponsor about money for school stuff.
I called my elder brother, who happened to be my sponsor in school, and told him that I needed 20,000 Naira in order to complete my manual course registrations and purchase lecture handouts.

I received a credit alert from my brother. I immediately put the money in the online business, thinking that once I get profit from the business, I will send him back the money, and I will now take the profit that will come out of the business.

Some weeks passed. I was very expectant of something good coming out of the business, but my expectation was short-lived when I heard from my kid sister that my brother was harassed by our landlord over rent money. I immediately called through to ascertain the authenticity of the news, and lo and behold, it was actually true.
My brother told me that he was about to pay the house rent before my call arrived.
That he now has to attend to my own needs since I sounded more urgent. He told me that he was hoping to complete the money before the week ran out, but unfortunately, he wasn't able to complete it before the landlord demanded his money.

Why did I lie to my brother about buying lecture materials with the money he sent me?

I know that he won't give me the money easily if I had told him beforehand what I intended to do with it. I thought that I had seen an opportunity to lift myself out of being financially dependent on my parents, but I was totally wrong because everything I planned turned against me in a negative way.

Implications of my actions(lie)

One consequence of my lie was that my brother was harassed because of my mistake. Secondly, the site where I invested the money crashed a few days before the payout date. I was devastated at that moment because I didn't know how to manage the situation.
Both the guilt and the feeling of disappointment could not allow me to move forward. I know that I have really wronged my brother, but I was left with no other options than to confess to him.
It really hurt him because he didn't expect such a thing from someone like me, whom he trusted so much. I was later forgiven, but I know that deep down he was still hurting.

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