When Love Turns To Hate

I've always wondered why two people who were inseparable and at one point shared their world together suddenly become strangers. They found happiness in each other and their hearts melted at the sight of the other, but along the way , all the rainbows and butterflies started to disappear and all that's left is a bald land void of feelings. Where did the first love go? What happened to it? What corrupted the love that was once true with promises? These are questions that wander in the heart of an inquisitive mind.

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Maybe love is truly blind, or the parties in it blind, because at one point , they realize the other partner isn't the person they believed they used to know. There's always a discovery stage, where we realize we are all humans with weaknesses and not as perfect as the goosebumps in the first few days of the relationship made us believe . The rush of adrenaline dies gradually revealing who we are behind the chemistry that first attracted us, it's at this point we decide if love remains or turns to hate and what happens if the latter happens?

This was my fear when I entered my first relationship. I didn't want the feeling I felt to fade away, I didn't want to look at her with disdain when at a point those eyes had sincere admiration for her. But it seems emotions and feelings are sustained by deliberate actions by both parties to make it work. When one fails, the attraction suffers and when love turns to hate, it goes with a piece of one's heart that may never find a place.

0.02818039 BEE

Indeed Sir. I am also one of those who believe love can turn to hate, love can equally fade away. I just feel love is a living thing. And when not properly fed or nutured, any outcome is possible.

0E-8 BEE

That's true, it requires a deliberate effort to keep it going

0E-8 BEE

Actually I have a personal experience. The situation between me and ex lover turned hate the moment we realized their was no hope in future for us.

0E-8 BEE