Piro, the fish hunter

Piro's eyes lightened up, 2 kilometers away she had seen a fish swimming on the surface of the ocean. She stayed focused, setting her claws down to launch at it. She never misses and her feet are strong enough to sink down for a grab. Woop! She dipped her feet into the water and soon flew out with a fish firmly held by her claws. The fish struggled to free itself but the grip was firm as Piro flew high into the sky.

She was known as Piro, the fish hunter by her fellow Gulls. She was nicknamed Piro after a legend known to be a fish catcher who never misses.
"How do you do it? You have never missed a chance" a curious little Gull asked.
"I stay focused and allow my strong sight guide me"
"I'll like to be like you" most of the young Gulls comment each time they are around her.

Photo source

Piro also had enemies, other Gulls who envied her excellence. The praises of Piro annoy them each time it is sung.
"She's not the only Gull who can hunt fish, why does all praise go to her" they often say, jealous of her excellence. Even though Piro was hated by a few of them, she loved them regardless. She had tried to miss a few times so she would be considered as imperfect but oftentimes they knew she did that intentionally.

Piro knew the envy was growing, afraid for her life she decided to go extinct to live in a seashore far from where she is known. It was the only solution to the envy. One fateful day, the whole community of Gull woke up and found Piro missing. Soon rumor spread that she had died, others believed she was taken by the gods because of her excellence, but her name lived on.

This is in response to the Contest by freewritehouse. Everyone is invited to participate

0.12814005 BEE

I think Piro made a good choice by going far away. Envy can lead to so many evil things and Piro avoided that. Great story

5E-8 BEE

That's true, sometimes we make certain decisions for our safety

8.8E-7 BEE

Yes the name remains!
nice one by the way

5E-8 BEE

Thank You bro

0E-8 BEE

This was an amazing story, you did a good job here. Keep up the good work.

5E-8 BEE

Thank You amie

0E-8 BEE

Success and envy are inseparable sadly, it is wise of Piro to change from such an environment before something bad happens to her.

Great story, thanks for sharing.


5E-8 BEE

Rightly said, going away seem like the best decision.Thank You for reading through.

0.00033052 BEE

Envy and hatred for one's abilities is the downfall of any species. Few can overcome it being ostracized from the community for whatever reason. The longing to be part of a group and accepted for your strengths and weaknesses is sometimes too difficult to overcome. The result is feeling excluded. It's a pity that Piro wasn't able to express her feeling to the community so the issues could be resolved. It's a shame because each individual brings their uniqueness to a society. Her skills may one day have been useful to the community.

Thanks for sharing this story. A lovely read that I enjoyed. Take care.


5E-8 BEE

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0E-8 BEE

That's true, her skill would have help save them someday, but unfortunately she was pushed away.

Thank You for reading through and for this wonderful contribution

0.00032381 BEE

This is a very interesting story. I feel sad Piro had to live alone because of her success.

Just as other birds envied Piro, some people are known to be envious of other people's success.
Why can't you just be able for them and pray for yours as well? I hope people change for better.


5E-8 BEE

Unfortunately that's life

0E-8 BEE

All I can say is that this is awesome!

Thanks for sharing this great story ๐Ÿ‘

0E-8 BEE

Thank you freewritehouse , I'm glad you enjoy the story

0E-8 BEE

Nice one๐Ÿ™Œ

0E-8 BEE

Thank you

0E-8 BEE

This absolutely great! They will be so shocked the day Piro visits for a catch again.


0E-8 BEE

He'll come heavily I believe

0E-8 BEE

Beautiful story @dwixer๐Ÿ˜Š

0E-8 BEE

Thank You ibbtammy

0E-8 BEE