


Time is often said to be related to money and that is true because how we spend our time will go a long way in our journey to success time management started when we entered kindergarten till university because it was programmed in a way that will help us learn and defeat ignorance. During this time if we have a child that did not manage his time well to study hard it might affect his future one way or the other but life doesn't end there.

Not all of us performed well in school because we divert our time from school to something else, some of us did not have good advice, some people had bad parenting and some did not have the financial or mental capability to go to school and to benefit from this program but we are opportune to learn skills. Learning skills is also a program that involves spending our time effectively to acquire a skill. Some use their time effectively to learn different skills and some to go higher in their education.

After we finish our program in university or learn skills and use this to earn money we still have to continue managing our time because most people believe the work ends there and that is the time they just enjoy whatever they are earning with their skills. If you are working in a company your time will still manage for you and if owns your own business you still have to program your time to meet your customer's needs.


Most successful businessmen don't just rely on one thing and that is because things change and what is fetching them money stops or something bad might happen that is why they have multiple sources of income and to manage 4 to 5 businesses you must manage your time well. To be productive in life you must manage your time well, time to grieve, time to think which is important, time to have fun, and most importantly time to work.

Most failures begin from the mismanagement of our time, we must inculcate a habit that will help us to be productive all the time.

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I haven't seen myself playing with time because I know the important for money 💰 making conversation. We have to take with what we do with time seriously because it'll help us become successful

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Time is very important and there are a lot of things you can do with time. People need to consider what they plan on doing with that time and it's also important for compound interest.

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Learning to manage time is something we will do for the rest of our lives. That's because time management is a skill that will serve us forever


Some many struggles with time and this has been their major weakness throughout their entire life

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