My personal dislikes

Hello everyone and happy Eid-el-kabir to my muslim brothers and sisters, I wish everyone a very wonderful holiday.

It is said that so as our faces are different so as our heart desires differ and also so as the things we like and the things we don’t like, there is an old saying that “one man’s food is another man’s poison” yes it’s definitely true.. I confirmed this to be true cause I have a friend who always find Joy in posting snakes on her WhatsApp story, infact she loves snakes especially the ones with different colors..and I often wonder how a normal human being would find Joy in talking about snakes and also post them on her story almost everytime.
I really find it wierd cause, people are usually scared of it, I am scared of it but my friend on the other hand loves them.

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Well for me there are so many things that I like and also so many things that I don’t like and the first thing that I really don’t like is a character trait in some people and thats for people that are loud and lousy, gosh I could literally show it to the person that I dislike it through the reaction of my face, especially for a guy, oh my God!!
That character is really disgusting, how can a normal human being be so loud for absolutely no reason, like they literally want to jump right into every matter and conclude it, I could even understand it for a woman because most women love to talk for no reason but for man, hell no!
Infact I really can’t be friends with people who loud and lousy, it makes me sick, like how can someone with home training not no how to compose theirselves, sometimes being at a gathering without talking and just observing is the real deal, but on the other hand I can’t totally avoid them because they humans, so most times I just bottle up my reactions and manage.

Secondly, lets talk about cockroaches… the creatures are not it at all, why were they even created in the first place, I’m literally scared of the bigger ones but I do not hesitate on killing them everytime I see anyone, as at last month we bought a role of powered cockroach killer because the creatures were actually frustrating us in our own house, they were everywhere especially in the kitchen, hundreds of baby cockroaches everywhere, some months back we scattered the whole kitchen and killed them but after sometime they tripples again, so my sister in law went to the market and bought a roach killer, we poured everywhere around the house and they gradually died off, and as for the big ones I use my bathroom slippers on them everytime and the smell afterwards is awful, I really dislike roaches.

Lastly, this should be bad odour… infact this should have been the first because why would somebody leave their house knowing fully well that they didn’t bath or wash their mouth?
Maybe they have plans of killing someone outside though, I encountered a lady that was my aunt’s friend, I honestly didn’t know that this lady had a serious mouth odour, unfortunately for me my aunty made me sit close to the lady because she was also avoiding the odour, when this lady spoke to me! My God I could have died because the smell that came out from her mouth was from the pit of hell, and the bad part was she loved talking, I couldn’t give an altitude because she was far older than me, I just adjusted a bit and rested on my aunty’s should and never looked at the woman’s direction till we got to where we were going to.

Honestly I don’t think I can stay near someone who has a body or mouth, although I get to experience it sometimes but I really cant live with them.

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I was thinking about cockroaches and you mentioned it. !LOLZ. Roaches cause a lot of unhygine in the environment but I am sure God has some reason for creating them.

Bad odour from a person hurts a lot. I often think of how to let the person know without hurting them that this feature of you is causing distress. I wonder if they never realize themselves.


Roaches can me so mean sometime too, they will just fly to your direction and would want to scare the living daylight of somebody😂😂

And as for the people with odour, most of them don’t really know that they have it


The friend that likes talking about snakes, it's very natural, it's this side of our world that we find it irritating.
Some people worship snake you know. Some people have them as pets too😂


We all have our dislikes, bad odour is one thing I doubt anybody can live with.


I swear, but the people that have it don’t even know that they have it
