The Night Agent - Movie Review


I have been seeing this series on Netflix for a long time now but I have been so skeptical about it. I guess I thought it wouldn't be as interesting as most of the series in the same genre that I have seen of recent. I wouldn't say this is my fault though because some series don't really have great plotlines and this makes it feel as if I wasted my time seeing them since I don't always enjoy them.
Image source - Imdb
I finally decided to see the night agent last week after so many months of procrastination and to be honest, I am so glad I did. It was so captivating that it hooked me from the very first episode till the very last of it and it refused to let me go.

The plotlines of the night agent were cleverly woven, it's characters were perfectly selected and the suspense was a heart stopping one. Could you believe I couldn't do anything else till I finished all the 10 episodes? Apparently this is because it delivered a thrilling experience that made me crave for more. Trust me, I wouldn't waste my time on something that isn't worth it.
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Image source - Imdb
The series revolved around the life of Gabriel Basso, a talented FBI agent who found himself entangled in a dangerous web of conspiracy and who transformed from a determined agent to a wanted man as the series progressed. He brilliantly played this role as he brought depth and vulnerability to his character and this made him unique.

I feel that the plot of the series is one of the aspect of the series that actually stoodout. It had a multi-layered plot which allowed each episode unveil a new twist and honestly, this kept me on the edge of my seat guessing what would happen next. I loved the writing and the pacing. I feel the writing was intelligent, and the pacing was spot-on. I don't think there are too many movies you see these days with these attributes.

Trust me, every character in this series were well-crafted and they were all expertly portrayed. I wouldn't want to start describing each of these characters. However, I think you should know that the supporting cast was just so exceptional.

I loved the cinematography of the series. It was so sleek and this made it possible to capture the gritty and dark nature of the story. I loved the action sequences. I loved how they were choreographed flawlessly which made it possible for it to provide a pulse-pounding moments that had me holding my breath.

What I think gives the night agent edge over other series of its kind is its review of moral puzzle and the blurred lines between right and wrong. It xrayed the depths of human nature and this raised thought-provoking questions within me about loyalty, trust, and the consequences of one's actions.

I loved the fact that the night agent made me examine my beliefs and judgments. I loved the fact that it challenged me to empathize with people who are faced with impossible choices. Truth be told, I just don't decide to see movies for seeing sake, I see movies to learn and that's what the night agent helped me do. I learnt a lot from the movie and I challenged myself to better.

The Night Agent is no doubt an outstanding and interesting series that exemplifies the best qualities of the thriller genre. Do you know I was kept to the edge of my seat through out its entire run? You wouldn't believe if I told you that this this was possible just because of the series' engaging plotlines, creative characters, and constant suspense.
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Image source - Imdb
Is it the superb acting, or the top-notch production values? Every aspect of the night agent contributed a lot to make the series one of the best. Every aspect of the series contributed to an unforgettable viewing experience which got me asking for more.

Guys, If you are a fan of intense thrillers, then I will definitely recommend this series. I bet it will leave you eagerly anticipating the next episode. I don't want to be a spoiler, so I won't say more about this series. Trust me, you need to see this series.

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I have seen the comercial but i have no seen the movie
