Pet Peeves: From Hilarious Habits to Irritating Incidents

Apparently, everyone has those one or two things that others do, whether intentionally or not, that pisses them off or annoys them badly. I am not excluded in this since I am someone who get irritated easily and so things like this pisses me off. There are actually some of these things that no matter how irritating and annoying they might be, they can be funny sometimes when you see people doing them. So guys, I will be sharing with us these Pet Peeves both the funny ones and the irritating/annoying ones.
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Okada Traffic Dodging

Let's imagine this scenario: You find yourself trapped in the traffic, the heat is already oppressing you and clinging to your skin, and suddenly, you see a swarm of motorbike riders, commonly known as "okada," navigating their way through the smallest spaces possible. These okada riders don't see anything wrong in this and you will even see them dragging the road with the padestrians, insulting them, and claiming it's their right to pass wherever they want to pass. I don't know about you but this can be so annoying especially when you are trekking that same route. The road becomes congested because of them and you will end up not seeing anywhere to pass as a pedestrian.

Power Outages During TV Dramas

This can be so frustrating. Like we will sit as a family to watch Super Story or any other Nigerian TV drama and when the story is about to get so interesting, the light will just go off. NEPA will do what they know how to do best and just that moment, you will hear a collective murmuring of disappointment from households in the neighbourhood expressing their frustration. Trust me, this is the ultimate cliffhanger, and the unpredictability of Nigeria's power supply only adds to the comedic tragedy.

"No Change" Syndrome

Have you ever gone to buy something and ended up buying something extra you don't really need all because there is no change? Don't you find it annoying? I got to find out that some persons are doing it intentionally just to make you leave the change for them or buy something else from them. This is really irritating and I have decided not to ever be a party to it since I always try to avoid unnecessary arguments and delays. I hope Nigerians will stop this soon.

Danfo Bus Conductor Actions

There is always this delay tactics conductors use in making you wait in the bus for more passengers, telling you it's remaining just one person when they know fully well you are the first person to enter the bus and this can be so annoying. What about those times they will start telling you to enter with your change. It can be funny at times but it's irritating to see their actions especially when you plead with them that you don't have change on you.

"Last Price" Bargaining

Seriously must we ask "what's the last price" in all our transactions as Nigerians? Truth be told, this has now become a ritual that is woven into the fabric of Nigerians. I feel it can be an exhausting experience for those who are not initiated to the Last Price syndrome. Is it the back-and-forth pricing? Or the feigned indifference? Trust me, at the end, all these still leads to the inevitable compromise that somehow feels like a victory for one and a defeat for the other. Most times I get so irritated seeing prices dragged for a very long time.

Network Provider Woes

Everybody wants to be online and stay connected in this digital age. Unfortunately, it gets so frustrating when you use your hard earned money to buy data and the network disappears or worse, the data you just bought gets exhausted even without you doing much with it. Nigerians have become experts at finding that one particular spot in their homes where the network miraculously stabilises and for some people, the network is always in the toilet. You see how frustrating that can be?

"Oversabi" Colleagues

In the workplace, there's always that one colleague who takes pride in being the font of all knowledge. Whether it's an unnecessary corrections during meetings or unsolicited advice on how to operate some certain things in the office, the "oversabi" colleague can be a source of both amusement and irritation.

Generator Serenades

Frequent power outages have elevated generators to the status of unsung heroes in Nigerian households. The constant generator noise has become a background melody, especially during evenings when the whole neighborhood decides to run theirs simultaneously. This proofs that even in the face of adversity, Nigerians will always find a way to keep the lights on not minding who they are disturbing with the noise of their generators.

Conclusively, these Pet Peeves, though sometimes irritating, are not just daily nuisances, they are the spices that add flavor to the rich stew of life in this our vibrant nation. I have learnt to turn these frustrations into moments of shared joy and I would advice you do same since humor is the secret ingredient that makes life an unforgettable experience.

Thanks for visiting my blog.


Lol......the price bargaining thing is truly funny. Some people can price for Africa😂😂


No be small thing.. The funniest part is that they have that money on them but still want to price because it's already a part of them
