HELP in times of NAKBA (Case study of Ukraine and Russian Conflicts)
Greetings Friends,believe we all are having a great day, be happy,safe and hardworking. Coming to across to us today is of great necessity and its something that even deaf ears hear about the conflicts,killings,war,catastrophic events happening in Ukraine and Russia.
Vividly saying it was a good city leaving in harmony and peace where goodies and general merchandise take place that sustains the country, having pleasure packs and good cities, sport and things worth entertaining has been taking place has now turned to be in disarray as a result of the conflicts to the extent that its no longer that habitable to stay that much that people are now running for there lives first not withstanding the legacies and infrastructures been kept.
Once a good and habitable city but now is something else. Am coming from a perspective of sefless services. The meaning to my above word which is NAKBA depletes a catastrophic event.
Of course the damages he already been caused,very many things destroyed both life and properties but that's not the end of it all as things could still be done to help.
Frankly saying am coming from the angle of help among our selves. One thing about help is that you don't wait to have enough before you help because you can't have enough because human wants are insatiable.
The selfless service which include shelters,donations,feeding, right information can help as well.
Having two cloths,helping your brother though not necessarily mean that is your blood is a good sense of humor and proves that heis not working alone, sharing of food items etc.
Listening to Reno omokri about the selfless service going on already as people are having the mind of God in helping out gladdens my heart as there are people that are willing to help.
Boldly said that we can help ourselves not withstanding how the situation has turned down to us. The one you do which could be little might be the reason why someone's live is saved and safe.
Thanks for reading through friends, do have lovely days ahead.
