Weekend-engagement writing topics week:148/ Rectifying annoying things behind the modern societal activities

Hey, guys

Its another amazing weekend and am extremely happy and Am equally Overwhelmed with so much of joy to be a participant of this weekend interesting topics brought up by @galenkp.

The annoyances
What annoys you about modern society? Explain it in a post of at least 300 words including possible methods of rectifying the situation. Use images you have taken yourself if possible.

And so on this weekend topics I have decided to write on rectifying the modern societal activities that annoys me the most Which doesn't seem to mean something harmful or dangerous to the individuals society at large and probably some who are still coming up as a youth or teenagers which is the most important thing.

One of My major issues is the rise of moral decadence that has been occurring in our society and has become so normal honestly I don't seem to adhere to it or finding it so funny anymore because these are actually things or attitudes that can actually speak alot about an individual its either in his or her workplaces.

All these matters because a proper home morals and trainings too, must be equally ensured from the parents to their children by making them understand and also to reason why they need to re-adjust themselves their lifestyle,attitudes,characters if I must input towards their seniors and societal references at large.


Nowadays we are opportuned to see incidents of how younger ones who are actually in their respective homes tends to become so full of themselves unrespectful, arrogant and rude especially to those who are older than them by months or years. Most parents might not look so deep into the issues which could bring malice to the picture becoming enemies for life.

Thanks for reading my post and also being able to comment beautifully do have a nice and

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Kids nowadays doesn't have any respect for their elders, they even say bad words and curse those who scold them, it's such a shame how this society become, it was influenced by technology and adapt foreign attitudes.

0E-8 BEE

Yeah It's true my dear friend am all pleased and happy as well for your beautiful opinions on my post Thanks do have a good time with your friends and family wishing you a happy Sunday and easter too.

0E-8 BEE