How to erase fear from the minds of our kids at their tender


Hello, my lovely friends on homedders, how are doing it's really another great and blessed week and weekend we have also am so happy and excited to be part of this beautiful and amazing community of ours.

Honestly, am so so happy to be part of this lovely community of ours where great minds are being shared as to build up our homes with alot of creativities on our kids with different ways and patterns to tackle it.

There are alot of things which most parents aren't doing which is erasing to fear from the mindset of their kids while growing up, because definitely it will tell on them somewhere it can in school or probably outside.


Fear or stage fright usually deprive our kids From so many things which if we don't do something about it, it becomes a challenge to them in the future, the reason why I usually use the future reference is because that's where they are being expose more and they try to fight with it as to overcome it when they are being asked to perform on stage.

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While growing up as a child I was then fear and stage fright was my major challenge, and I was so shy I have this passion of doing so many things like singing for instance I love singing it's not that I don't perform on stage but I get scared while doing the mind beat fast and all of that.

Even now as I am still experience little of being scared stage fright I would rather say but not as much then actually am in my 20s, and I have always told myself that I wouldn't allow that challenge on my kids.

If really we want our kids to make us happy and proud, we should start from their tender age because they really have a lot to learn and show to the world. As parents we should try to watch our kids closely ask them questions to know their fears it's actually true that someone must get scared about something but try to make them know that it's not a good idea at all and that it deprive us of so many things.

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Do have a nice day and lovely I love you all ♥️♥️🥰♥️♥️😘.


My kids fear is without me on her side, even she played with other kids she need to see me or I need to join them in playing and I don't know how she will overcome it even I keep telling her that I will not leave her


You need to build her self-confidence and also tell her that fear is a dream killer and that if she wants to succeed she needs to take her decisions herself without her parents around. One way to achieve this is to send her to her relatives or to her extended family's during holidays.


We do, but I need to be on her side always or else she will cry, I hope when she start going to school she'll change
