War. NATO Defense Spending. Ukraine.


Some of the big danish news outlets are starting to talk about "Prepping" incase of an war.
It seems a little silly to be honest, but I guess you never know right? :D

As a small prepping bag this is their recommendations:

  • Food and necessities up to seven days.
  • Canned food.
  • Water.
  • A pair of power banks (charged).
  • A go-bag with essentials, including prescription medications.

Meh. Not sure if I will ever prep or at least not yet xD
Besides the regular amount of canned chickpeas and beans I already have :D

I think there is so many other concerns the Government to do or help with before we even need to talk about War or Prepping.

NATO Defense Spending

Not a whole lot of NATO countries are hitting those 2% Defense Spending in 2023 and properly not in 2024 either!
From what I have read, it is a "Guidence" and not a hard rule, which makes sense, so many countries are under the line - Including Denmark!

Guesss there haven't really been any need to pour money into Defense systems, when the World/the West have been relatively peaceful without any wars for a while before Russia invaded Ukraine.

But now with the Government starting to talk about Prepping for War, they are also ramping up spending or at least trying to hit that 2% within the next 5 years. I don't see how its that much of a problem, but ohh well. What do I know :D

Skærmbillede 2024-07-02 095747.png



Do we need to talk a bit about Ukraine? Do I have my own opninions about how the West "helps" Ukraine & how we can/could have done a better job if we have prepped long before?
I think my opinion is a bit different x)

Should we help Ukraine? Yes 100%, The Danish Government have allocated 6.6 Billion EUROS to help Ukraines millitary and it 100% needed, buuuuuut, can we not cut down spending on Danish Schools & health, just because of this? I mean, if we had made a Fund just like Norway have and invested in that over years with even 0.1% of GDP which is 400 Million USD, could easily afford to supply Ukraine, ramp up spending on our own Milliary and fking supply schools with the necessary supplies.

Its so weird to me the way everything is built when it comes to the Government, it seems like the majority of Logic/Common sense is gone and we haven't put in automatically system to do the bear minimum to ensure our own people first.... So backwards..

Thank you for coming to my little rant.

0.24132688 BEE

@cwow2, @dlmmqb Sent You 1 Share for the DrawMatic Lifetime Prize Draws!

Your new share balance will be effective in the upcoming prize pool draws from now on, forever and ever...
DrawMatic shares last a lifetime!
The more shares you own, the higher your chance of winning in each and every upcoming draw! 😎
Drawmatic_cmtBanner.jpgJoin DrawMatic on Discord To check shares and other information, or if you want to gift any amount of shares you own to others.

0.00032109 BEE

Hello Hive Community, you have all witnessed this account being downvoted to a negative reputation. Many others have also observed that Hive is not a pleasant place. It seems to be under the control of people who only care about money and power. Ironically, they are ruining it and the money stream will dry up. It's impossible to go against the hundreds of people you have wronged.

Hive has no future. It's in the hands of scammers and farmers who have no real interest in Hive, but only in the money they can make. They start businesses, open shops, raise their kids, send money to fake charities, and donate to people who pretend to be ill.

All of this is happening on Hive. Why are the Hivepolice and gang being funded to drive real users away all while supporting scammers farmers and self voters as we said before our story has been shared to many and many are watching in we are even being paid so as we kept saying downvoting our good legit content with minded stake and accounts that are used to support farmers and scammers is not smart it just makes Hive look a lot worse

Many writers on Hive seem to engage in a lot of meaningless chatter. They fabricate stories to create a false image of themselves, all the while promoting their own interests under the guise of helping others. Hive appears to be a complex mind game, with the use of downvotes to deter certain individuals and the creation of a fake blacklist to discourage support for specific users. It seems that some Hive users are benefiting from investments made by others, particularly those whom they are bringing onto the platform."

They say vote selling is not a thing on Hive, but it is still alive. It has just gone a bit underground. Now, we have all those projects where you can delegate for upvotes or hold certain tokens for upvotes. Vote selling is alive and kicking on Hive."

On Hive, there are big accounts self-voting on their own comments, posts, and using alt accounts. The HIVE POLICE DO NOTHING. We wish you luck on Hive.



0E-8 BEE

Hello, Hive community

At Bilpcoin, we are committed to making a positive impact and being a valuable asset to Hive. We have identified areas that require big improvement and have highlighted areas where power has been misused this can not go on. We apologize sincerely if our efforts have caused any inconvenience we are so sorry, and we now wish to demonstrate that we can help to build Hive give us a try a real try. We are confident that we can work together to overcome any challenges and obstacles that we face, as we are committed to seeing Hive thrive we don't won't to see Hive die.

At Bilpcoin, we are passionate about exploring the ever-evolving world of AI art and video and we show that in our work, and we are excited about the future possibilities.

We are transparent and honest in all our dealings, and we use any funds we generate to either buy and burn our tokens BPC or purchase other Hive engine tokens so we are not spammers or scammers. Our ultimate goal is to reduce our token supply as much as possible, and our team members' transactions can be easily traced by anyone it's open for all we have nothing to hide.

We are keen to contribute to the promotion of Hive but how can we right now, we hope to move forward from any past misunderstandings let's move on. We urge you to join us on this journey what changes would you like to see on Hive, and we welcome any input, suggestions, or feedback from the community.

Lastly, to show our appreciation, we would like to offer a 50BPC vote to anyone who uses the #Bilpcoin or #BPC tag, and one lucky person will receive over 1000BPC Vote. However, we ask that spammers and farmers refrain from using these tags.

Let's work together to build a better future for Hive we owe it to ourselves.

Thank you,

The Bilpcoin team.

Written by the Bilpcoin team

0E-8 BEE

I think all european leader who allocated a lot of resources to Ukraine is betting hard that this is the least expensive option. If Russia isn't stopped in Ukraine, it will just continue its expansion. Putin has decided that he is going down in
the history books.. we decide how the history will be written.

0.00012693 BEE

100% and I understand that. But can European citizens of those countries, not suffer because of it? Or because of lack of prepping just incase?

Politicians just think 4-5 years ahead, nothing more x)

0E-8 BEE

Yes we will suffer and we do in different way even though we are not in war yet.

Just look how much disruption has occured because of the invasion. Energy crises, changed trade and pushing inflation on Europe.

Russia does us more harm, it's up to us to not let them do it. In Putin minds, it either them or us. I hate the polarisation, but the only medicine is to unite and take the short term suffering inorder to stop something we will have to explain to our children.

Just think how many people have thought "the signs where there and so obvious why didnt someone stop Hitler before?".

Slava ukraini 🇺🇦

0E-8 BEE






60 votes
slobberchops [-]
gogreenbuddy [-]
cmplxty [-]
shanibeer [-]
antisocialist [-]
azabu [-]
acram64 [-]
mypathtofire [-]
willowranger [-]
bscrypto [-]
dhedge [-]
aaronkroeblinger [-]
lichtkunstfoto [-]
memehub [-]
chekohler [-]
modernzorker [-]
carn [-]
earthsea [-]
pinkhub [-]
kaylinart [-]
and 40 more



slobberchops (81)in #life • 6 days ago

6 days ago in #life by slobberchops (81)$0.00
Reply 3
Sort: Trending
[-]bpcvoter2 (-5)(1) 4 days ago · Will be hidden due to low rating






[-]acidyo (82) 3 months ago
Haha at "I shouldn't make commercial" :D Maybe something to worry about when you have more youtube subscribers! Quite interesting content though, these things should get more subs on there and here.

1 vote
[-]gogreenbuddy (67) 3 months ago
Yeah thought that was funny too

4 votes
gogreenbuddy: $4.47
acidyo: $0.06
holbein81: $0.01
koleso: -$0.00


@themarkymark @buildawhale @upmyvote @ipromote @gogreenbuddy @usainvote @punkteam @makerhacks @apeminingclub @leovoter @blockheadgamds @rollingbones farm @cwow2 @solominer @steevc @adm @abit @theycallmedan @dalz @abh12345





Reply 2 to @eddiespino

Reply to @eddiespino

cwow stop the drink and drugs

Stop supporting the fake Hive police who do nothing but exploit Hive

Many people on Hive will never get to spend any of their Hive as it may become illegal in certain countries

Looking at Hive from the outside, it looks like trash let just be honest there are issues. Not many people would be interested in coming to Hive to read blogs let's be honest

0E-8 BEE

Hello Hive Community, you have all witnessed this account being downvoted to a negative reputation. Many others have also observed that Hive is not a pleasant place. It seems to be under the control of people who only care about money and power. Ironically, they are ruining it and the money stream will dry up. It's impossible to go against the hundreds of people you have wronged.

Hive has no future. It's in the hands of scammers and farmers who have no real interest in Hive, but only in the money they can make. They start businesses, open shops, raise their kids, send money to fake charities, and donate to people who pretend to be ill.

All of this is happening on Hive. Why are the Hivepolice and gang being funded to drive real users away all while supporting scammers farmers and self voters as we said before our story has been shared to many and many are watching in we are even being paid so as we kept saying downvoting our good legit content with minded stake and accounts that are used to support farmers and scammers is not smart it just makes Hive look a lot worse

Many writers on Hive seem to engage in a lot of meaningless chatter. They fabricate stories to create a false image of themselves, all the while promoting their own interests under the guise of helping others. Hive appears to be a complex mind game, with the use of downvotes to deter certain individuals and the creation of a fake blacklist to discourage support for specific users. It seems that some Hive users are benefiting from investments made by others, particularly those whom they are bringing onto the platform."

They say vote selling is not a thing on Hive, but it is still alive. It has just gone a bit underground. Now, we have all those projects where you can delegate for upvotes or hold certain tokens for upvotes. Vote selling is alive and kicking on Hive."

On Hive, there are big accounts self-voting on their own comments, posts, and using alt accounts. The HIVE POLICE DO NOTHING. We wish you luck on Hive.



0E-8 BEE

Hello Hive Community, you have all witnessed this account being downvoted to a negative reputation. Many others have also observed that Hive is not a pleasant place. It seems to be under the control of people who only care about money and power. Ironically, they are ruining it and the money stream will dry up. It's impossible to go against the hundreds of people you have wronged.

Hive has no future. It's in the hands of scammers and farmers who have no real interest in Hive, but only in the money they can make. They start businesses, open shops, raise their kids, send money to fake charities, and donate to people who pretend to be ill.

All of this is happening on Hive. Why are the Hivepolice and gang being funded to drive real users away all while supporting scammers farmers and self voters as we said before our story has been shared to many and many are watching in we are even being paid so as we kept saying downvoting our good legit content with minded stake and accounts that are used to support farmers and scammers is not smart it just makes Hive look a lot worse

Many writers on Hive seem to engage in a lot of meaningless chatter. They fabricate stories to create a false image of themselves, all the while promoting their own interests under the guise of helping others. Hive appears to be a complex mind game, with the use of downvotes to deter certain individuals and the creation of a fake blacklist to discourage support for specific users. It seems that some Hive users are benefiting from investments made by others, particularly those whom they are bringing onto the platform."

They say vote selling is not a thing on Hive, but it is still alive. It has just gone a bit underground. Now, we have all those projects where you can delegate for upvotes or hold certain tokens for upvotes. Vote selling is alive and kicking on Hive."

On Hive, there are big accounts self-voting on their own comments, posts, and using alt accounts. The HIVE POLICE DO NOTHING. We wish you luck on Hive.



0E-8 BEE

Hello, kind community. We hope you are all doing well. At Bilpcoin, we conducted a fun experiment to see the reaction if we downvoted the friend of someone who had downvoted us for nothing. We observed that some individuals came to the defence of the downvoted party. We have been experiencing downvotes for over a year for no reason and no one came to our defence, but we remain committed to sharing our truth and will not be deterred by downvoting

@slobberchops [-]
@gogreenbuddy [-]
@livinguktaiwan [-]
@hivepakistan [-]
@cmplxty [-]
@jacobtothe [-]
@shanibeer [-]
@antisocialist [-]
@dlmmqb [-]
@bscrypto [-]
@cwow2 [-]
@olujay [-]
@steemseph [-]
@aaronkroeblinger [-]
@starstrings01 [-]
@dhedge [-]
@adamada [-]
and 65 more

Bilpcoin Gems High-risk Low-risk Super Trump (ticker: Strump) Corgi with knife (ticker: Corgi) Engines of Fury (Ticker: Fury)

Let's talk

Rider jim

Make today great

Decentralized or centralized

Bilpcoin Vibes

Tomorrow may never come, so seize the day seize the moment

Love life, be happy

[-]themarkymark (80) yesterday (edited)
Farming? Show me where I am farming, I post like one post a month at this point, and all buildawhale is burned. As you say transactions don’t lie. And don't say curation rewards, I'd get those no matter what I vote on and if you expect I will be the only person on this blockchain to forfeit curation rewards, you are dumber than we know you are.






You don't seem it. I've seen this before, it isn't good.

21 hours ago in LeoFinance by themarkymark (80)

[-]bpcvoter1 (-2)(1) yesterday · Will be hidden due to low rating
$0.00Reply Edit
[-]themarkymark (80) 16 hours ago
Please talk to your doctor about adjusting your meds. I’m worried about you.

[-]bpcvoter1 (-2)(1) 27 minutes ago · Will be hidden due to low rating
We are fine
$0.00Reply Edit Delete



60 votes
slobberchops [-]
gogreenbuddy [-]
cmplxty [-]
shanibeer [-]
antisocialist [-]
azabu [-]
acram64 [-]
mypathtofire [-]
willowranger [-]
bscrypto [-]
dhedge [-]
aaronkroeblinger [-]
lichtkunstfoto [-]
memehub [-]
chekohler [-]
modernzorker [-]
carn [-]
earthsea [-]
pinkhub [-]
kaylinart [-]
and 40 more



slobberchops (81)in #life • 6 days ago

6 days ago in #life by slobberchops (81)$0.00
Reply 3
Sort: Trending
[-]bpcvoter2 (-5)(1) 4 days ago · Will be hidden due to low rating


Just going to leave my response to the one out of thousand previous comments you left today.

People only tolerate you for the votes
Interesting, considering I don't vote anyone.

You vote on you're own spam comments every day @buildawhale to earn curation rewards. There are many authors on Hive whom you could support, but you choose not to you keep it to yourself don't you Marcus? You are no good Marcus.

I used to vote over 200 unique authors a day, many of which my vote was their only significant vote, and for over a year every post and every vote I would make would get downvoted for $50 because someone was sad I stopped the abuse they were voting on. I lost my ability to choose what I vote on years ago. It has finally stopped, so I started the burn posts to reduce the inflation due to the wreckless DHF spending. Of course I earn curation rewards, like every single person on Hive. I will not be the only person on Hive to forfeit curation rewards, and to expect that is ridiculous. You are one to talk about spam comments, you are spamming hundreds if not thousands of comments a day.

2 days ago in LeoFinance by themarkymark (80)$0.00


Response 4 to themarkymark marcus, buildawhale usainvote ipomote leovoter gogreenbuddy, and over 100 of his alt accounts

Reply 2 to @eddiespino

Reply to @eddiespino

cwow stop the drink and drugs

Can't you see the problems on Hive?

Hive dropping to $0.000

We hope the downvoting us makes you feel better LOL the truth is the truth we pray for you all

The Downside Of Decentralization - A Very Sad Newcomer Experience

We hope the downvoting us makes you feel better LOL the truth is the truth.


0E-8 BEE

Hello Hive Community, you have all witnessed this account being downvoted to a negative reputation. Many others have also observed that Hive is not a pleasant place. It seems to be under the control of people who only care about money and power. Ironically, they are ruining it and the money stream will dry up. It's impossible to go against the hundreds of people you have wronged.

Hive has no future. It's in the hands of scammers and farmers who have no real interest in Hive, but only in the money they can make. They start businesses, open shops, raise their kids, send money to fake charities, and donate to people who pretend to be ill.

All of this is happening on Hive. Why are the Hivepolice and gang being funded to drive real users away all while supporting scammers farmers and self voters as we said before our story has been shared to many and many are watching in we are even being paid so as we kept saying downvoting our good legit content with minded stake and accounts that are used to support farmers and scammers is not smart it just makes Hive look a lot worse

Many writers on Hive seem to engage in a lot of meaningless chatter. They fabricate stories to create a false image of themselves, all the while promoting their own interests under the guise of helping others. Hive appears to be a complex mind game, with the use of downvotes to deter certain individuals and the creation of a fake blacklist to discourage support for specific users. It seems that some Hive users are benefiting from investments made by others, particularly those whom they are bringing onto the platform."

They say vote selling is not a thing on Hive, but it is still alive. It has just gone a bit underground. Now, we have all those projects where you can delegate for upvotes or hold certain tokens for upvotes. Vote selling is alive and kicking on Hive."

On Hive, there are big accounts self-voting on their own comments, posts, and using alt accounts. The HIVE POLICE DO NOTHING. We wish you luck on Hive.



0E-8 BEE

0E-8 BEE