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RE: Instead of answers two Ignore - Statt Antworten zwei Ignore

Well. 290 HBD per day might be a lot.
But why are we lot calculating the effort and time? Like, HW's website where everybody can report users and the guy behind HW have to go through the reports/accounts manual to check. It takes a lot of time and he gets a lot of backlash. Not to mention the cost of the website (might not be expensive, but still a cost) and if the bot (spaminator) is running on an online server that also cost money.

I think the biggest issue I have with HW, is that some of the HBD is not powered up to further the DV $$$ & The HP could be automatically voting for burning hive posts which still gives curations rewards..

Back the to funding. $290 USD a Day is a lot. But after expenses, what would the proper amount be for someone doing this?

0.00174443 BEE

As stayoutoftherz said, 100$/Month should be more than enough.

For me, it's like opening the window in winter and turning the heating up to the highest setting.

A lot more money is wasted here than is gained, and the people who voted also suffer damage, which is probably not taken into consideration. It's not just about the person who created the post.

Anyone who understands the complex hive system will understand what this leads to and also what I posted today.

With the money already received, you could have made yourself independent of the proposal. The HBD that will be spent for a year would be long enough for me to be able to run something like this permanently.

Ecency and co have volunteers, why not HW?

Translated with (free version)

0.00672256 BEE

Servercosts are 100$ max.- per month, not per day. So this it can´t be it. And the website looks crappy and homecooked, so no costs here either.
8700$/month tax-free could be one or more qualified full-time employees, depending where they live. Question is really if 100% of a persons work goes into it, I highly doubt it. And even if, the second question is still, if so much money should go there and no e.g. only 25%, to only deal about real spam and ignore all the questionable cases which HW loves to take care about, to the detriment of many ex-users.

0.00295875 BEE