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RE: Instead of answers two Ignore - Statt Antworten zwei Ignore

But 290 HBD per day? Thats more than to much.

Didn't check it and there is no Report from Hivewatcher, but some poeple say that Hivewatcher makes only 20$ Downvotes a day. So its 270 HBD to much. No in its more than 270 HBD because only half of 20$ is for the Author.

Also I mentined, that it is Bad for User who Vote and like things like kryptodenno posted.

Also the Argument is false why HW has downvoted. But no answer ;(

I think who gets HBD from proposal have to make reports!

0.00678192 BEE

Well. 290 HBD per day might be a lot.
But why are we lot calculating the effort and time? Like, HW's website where everybody can report users and the guy behind HW have to go through the reports/accounts manual to check. It takes a lot of time and he gets a lot of backlash. Not to mention the cost of the website (might not be expensive, but still a cost) and if the bot (spaminator) is running on an online server that also cost money.

I think the biggest issue I have with HW, is that some of the HBD is not powered up to further the DV $$$ & The HP could be automatically voting for burning hive posts which still gives curations rewards..

Back the to funding. $290 USD a Day is a lot. But after expenses, what would the proper amount be for someone doing this?

0.00174443 BEE