To Buy Or To Run? <--> Rising Star Packs Opening & Giveaway #226 (Win NFT)

In the last Rising Star packs opening post I opened 24 packs and I didn't get any Smiley cards, so my total number of cards is still at only 5! I need 5 more if I want to blend the special animated Smiley NFT! On the other side, last time I got a LEGENDARY card which happens once in 3-6 months, so I can't complain too much about it... 😃 The hunt for Smileys continues...

This time I have opened 12 packs, as I'm usually doing on Wednesdays... The chances of getting any special card are lower, but you never know... The special Halloween mission ends on 13th November, so plenty of time to find those cards and blend the special one! I'm still brainstorming about the special mission itself... I think it is more effective to buy those Halloween instruments than to do the mission and pray to the Gods of Randomness... 😃

From the game aspect, I think it is positive in either way, someone gets rewarded for doing the mission, or the guy who is selling it, or the game if you do the mission and not cash out your SB from ordinary missions...

Packs Opening and Giveaway.jpg
created in

So, let's do things as usual... Firstly, let's pull out the lucky winner for today!


The winner is @jfang003! Congratulations! Both cards are sent (TP Stage 1 and Eve)!

Finally, I have opened 12 packs as usual, and I did a screenshot of packs where you can pick 1 card between the two specific cards (look under)! As I said in the previous videos and posts, if I get 2 Smiley cards in one opening, I will give that card! And that happened today, so here we are!


So, pick between I2 Bar Chimes and TP2 Interface, and you will be eligible for the giveaway where I will send the picked card to the winner and the third card from this pack (Smiley)!

You can check the rest of the packs that I have opened here:


Regarding the special Smiley card, it was a lucky day! I found two of them in only 12 packs! Of course, one of them will be given away to the lucky winner on Friday, so don't forget to check the rules and participate! No legendaries or epics this time, but I don't mind that... Happy with my Smileys... :)

See you in the next post!

If you are not playing this game, you can sign up here


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I managed to draw 3 season cards in 24 packs, but the rest I didn't manage to draw epic cards, luck was not on my side !LOLZ


I wouldn't mind 3 Smileys in 24 packs at all 😃
EPICs will come and go, but Smiley is not coming back at the end of the Halloween mission 😃


TP2 Interface please. IGN outwars
