Two Legendaries! - Splinterlands Gladius & CL Packs Opening and Giveaway #50

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Welcome to the newest Splinterlands Packs opening video! It looks like consistency isn't my thing lately as I made a huge break after the last Splinterlands opening video... It was over a month ago, but I do keep promises and I did give away a promised card to one lucky winner... The wait was a bit longer, but the promise must be fulfilled... :)

As it was so long time ago, I had more time to accumulate more MERITs, so I was able to open 10 GLADIUS cases in this video! Also, I opened 5 more Chaos Legion packs, but they aren't so much interesting as GLADIUS cards... :)

I had high expectations for the opening, but from 50 Gladius cards, only 1 was golden foil, and all the rest were common and rare cards... No EPICs or LEGENDARIES this time... :( Thanks to this opening, I was able to level up my LIZA FOX card to level 5!

Usually, when I have no luck with Gladius Cases, I have more luck with Chaos Legion packs opening... And it was like that this time too!!! From only 5 packs, I got 2 legendary cards, 3 epics, some summoners, and gold foiled cards, too! Unfortunately, those "strong" cards weren't enough in numbers to level up some of the CL cards, but I did level up some lower-ranked cards as RADIATED SCORCHER and PORTAL SPINNER!

Don't forget to check the giveaway inside the video... The rules are easy, You check the video, find the question inside the video, and answer it in the comment section! The lucky winner will be chosen by a random picker inside the NEXT Splinterlands video! If your Splinterlands username is different, please put it down in the comment!

Check out the video for more details!

If you are not playing this game, you can sign up here

Thanks for watching!


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Thaddius Brood please. IGN outwars


Gold Hill Giant
Congrats @jfang003
Please add me again.
@middle-earthling 🍺🍕☕
