That's sad... But more and more people see that I use you (and comment because of this, I assume ;-) ) + I do promo for you in every snap, thread, wave... so... uprising…
@PowerPaul: Step by step. I am looking forward to the next general "Burn Update" where I display all data in a complete overview again! I thought about to make it once a month.…
@PowerPaul: I hope so! Could serve as a column or as a stand for the crown, candles, the skull, bottles, whatever - many objects which I entered into the LIL. I am looking…
@PowerPaul: Yes, but the amount which is collected & burned by this campaign or other CryptoCompany services is bigger than the actual output rate. This wasn't all the time like…
@PowerPaul: Awesome! @rqr4, @dewabrata and @oadissin! Check out the comment I am answering here and feel welcome to join in under the next articles again!
Hive a great…
@PowerPaul: You understood how it works! Of course I voted your comment for the commentrewarder... So let it be a win-win-win-win-win ;-)
Thank you for your support…