Lo que me gusta dejar con la intriga y crear expectación, jajaja.
Pues lo conseguiste, jaja. Espero que todo vaya bien en ese proyecto.
Yo también por naturaleza tiendo a ser…
Here we are lucky to have good weather all year round. And these days it's particularly nice because the days are very sunny but it's not stifling hot. I hope the freezings goes…
Mafalda comic strips are very popular in Spanish-speaking countries. She is a character with a very particular way of seeing the world, idealistic and exceptional. I love her…
I hope you can have the time to go for walks. Once you get used to go for at least a quick walk every day, you find a way to make the time for it.
Have a lovely…
I remember you had already told me that you liked Mafalda. Es genial, isn't it? One of my school friends was just like Mafalda in the way she was, although thinking about it, I…
If I eat that Scottish breakfast I don't eat the rest of the day, Super Ed LOL.
This curious cat already wants to know what you did with glass for Valentine's Day…