Two fightings because of a bicycle


I was on my way to teach one of my students home lessons when I saw the unexpected. One boy of the age between 7-12 was riding a bicycle while one was running after him. I don't know whether they have had an agreement to rotate the riding of the bicycle among them. The one riding the bicycle was riding at a high speed trying to exceed the limit to which they had agreed. The second one was yelling at him from behind. I was just passing by, but I had to pause and view what was going to happen


The one on the bicycle was tired as he was breathing profusely without seizing. He stopped and dropped off the bicycle. He began to run, but could not run as fast as the second boy. So, he was caught and they began to fight just because of the bicycle. They fought for some minutes, and the one that was riding the bicycle rushed to pick up the bicycle wanting to ride on it. The second boy came up and began to drag the bicycle with him. This was when I decided to intrude. I yelled at them to stop fighting and also to stop dragging the bicycle. They obeyed and I asked them to explain the deal they had together.


One of them said, "We had a deal after renting the bicycle from a shop. We both contributed the money just to have fun with the bicycle, but he decided to ride on it alone. This was while I was angry".

I asked the second boy to explain his path and he said "We placed a limit where each of us would ride to before turning back, but he misunderstood the limit".
"So, where exactly is the limit?" I asked.
The two boys had to take me straight to the limit. The second boy who had not ridden the bicycle was right. The one riding the bicycle had exceeded the limit and wanted to go beyond their agreement.


I told the two not to get involved in fighting. I advised them to be their brother's keepers.

Now, this reminded me of a similar situation I was in, in the past. My friend had to wait until I was back with the bicycle. He was so angry with me and at the same time was happy that I was back. I have to hand the bicycle to him. It was just like a retaliation. Although we did not rent the bicycle, I sneaked it out of the house. It belongs to my dad. We had to ride until we were tired, forgetting the fact that I would be facing my doom when I got home.

We had a great day and we were smiling while on our way home. I carried him on the bicycle to his house while I proceeded to my abode. On getting home, my dad was already at the door post waiting for my arrival. Immediately I saw him, I had to wait a bit until he had gone inside before returning home. The more I waited, the more time passed and the more my dad kept hoping for me to come home. After staying too long, I decided to leave for home, undermining the kind of walloping I would receive from my dad.

When I got home, my dad did not ask me where I was coming from, instead gave me a chance to roll the bicycle inside the house. I never knew he had a whip with him. He gave me an unexpected flogging from behind. I jumped up but I had nowhere to run to. He had already closed the door.

I received the original flogging of my life which I would never in my life forget. I never tried it again. I told my friend what had happened to me, he began to laugh at me.


I'm our part of the world, children love riding bicycles and I have seen children fighting over this issue, over and over. But many parents prefer to save for food rather than buy bicycles for their children


You are right. This part of the world is not like other parts that love bicycles.
