I do so love funky clouds! | Contest #139 | Day 14 of HiveBloPoMo

Well, this was fun! We have a full moon only days away and it was on the rise as a brief rain shower passed over us making the early evening sky light up with all sorts of fun colours! 😍

You know that intensely bright white that you sometimes get with clouds when the light is just right? I don't know exactly what conditions are required but it's awesome when it happens 🀩

So for this, my first cloud contest entry ever (insert excited "woooo hooo" type sounds here πŸ€ΈπŸ€Έβ€β™‚οΈπŸ€Έβ€β™€οΈ) I used my partner's phone as his camera is soooo much better than the one in my phone. One of these days I'll have to actually buy myself a really nice fancy camera! With a zoom! But I digress, back to those clouds.

So we had enough light left in the day to take some photos βœ…

We had some clouds (that's helpful) βœ…

We had a rather large, gorgeous looking moon to add even more beauty to the mix βœ…

We had a decent camera βœ…

And we had a willingness to stare at the awesome clouds long enough to pick something worthy of a contestβœ…

Excellent! All the ingredients necessary to make a grand entrance into a new (to me) contest, in a new (to me) community!

So, without further ado, I give you clouds!

Here was the original shot. I took several at different points on our walk but this was the one I liked the most.


I'm not exactly an expert in photography at this point but I know enough to see if I can frame the shot somehow. So that was my intention with the gum trees on the bottom and the palm tree on the right.

Then I started messing with the colours.


I wanted to see how many colours of the rainbow I could make out of the very same shot.


I must admit adjusting things like the tint, warmth, saturation and exposure was a little unfamiliar to me. If I ever change colours in photos I tend to it with pre-set filters inside apps like Insta or Canva, rather than doing it manually.


But I was willing to give it a go and see what happened. I decided to treat it more like a creative art project than something I had to get "right".


And these were the result. What do think?


My favourite of the lot is third one down: the bright blue. Why? I'm not exactly sure, maybe it's as simple as the fact that one of my favourite colours on the planet is blue? πŸ€” Maybe it doesn't have to be any more complicated than that 😊

This is my entry into the Love the Clouds Contest #139. That handy, dandy link there will take you to the post that tells you all about it if you want to join in the fun too 😁 At the time of writing you have somewhere between 24-36 hours left to jump in!

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Yay! πŸ€—
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This shot has it all! Funky clouds, Day moon and some sort of palm tree to boot! Well played, I love it!

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Thank you πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜€πŸ˜πŸ˜†πŸ˜

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