I think the right balance between lots of voting and no voting is a good middle ground. Sadly my voting power is frequently reaching up to the high 90's because a fair bit of the…
Some interesting and slightly creepy choices this week LOL I enjoyed when I got down to the Blues Image song, that was a refreshing one for sure! All songs I've never heard of…
The only real gold I own is my necklace that I got from my grandfather years ago. Wear it every single day for maybe 13 or 14 years now! Sadly I had two and lost one.. hoping…
Ah I hate a case of the gloomies! That sucks man, hopefully they fixed the mold issues once and for all!
I hear you with the parents stuff. My parents are getting up there as…
I was listening to Jordan Peterson the other day and one of the things that predicts the traits of the cancel culture zealots is low verbal intelligence. It’s any wonder why they…
Ah lots going on with Splinterlands. I’m so out of the loop! Lol. I don’t even know if my rentals are still active I’ll have to take a look in a few days once I get my computer…
Sucks about the shoulder man! Do you guys have a Tens unit? I bet that would help stimulate and loosen the cuff!
Ah .38 is a band I’ve for sure heard but I’m not sure which…
Yeah these AI bots really drive me nuts. They are all over the place and going to increase sadly. In a way they can help gather the correct information but they are usually…
I have to pay attention to the Splinterlands governance stuff - I unfortunately haven’t logged into the site for 6 or 7 months at this point lol. I’m glad you got one and…