Cine Kids - Do You Remember The First Time You Went To The Cinema?

Authored by @thisismylife

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You may remember me mentioning my youngest daughter's birthday and that we were going to the cinemas for the first time to celebrate. Well, that event gave me inspiration for today's content. I have personally always loved the cinemas even though it was not something my mother did regularly with me as we were on the poor side when I grew up. Thankfully, I had a few uncles and aunts that would pass on some money here and there to do fun stuff as well as my grandparents helping my mother keeping her head above water.

I have some very fond memories from going to the cinemas, not all from my childhood btw, some are from my children's childhood or others are from my early adulthood before I became a parent. Today I want to share some of these memories with you, and of course I hope that you will share some of your memories with the readers in a comment or even get inspired to write a post about the topic yourself.

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My first cinema experiences

I went digging deep in my memory but I have to be honest that I remember seeing a few movies in the cinema, although I can't recall which one was my first cinema experience. I was born in '84 and I had to check when certain movies were released to see if it could possibly the first one.

One of the movies I remember seeing in the cinema was "Jurassic Park" that movie is from '93 so that means I was about 9 years old. I remember going to the cinema with my favorite uncle and aunt and that I was scared several times to the point that I dug behind my aunt during the movie. I remember the sounds being impressive for me.

Another one I remember seeing in the cinema is "The lion king" from 1994. Although it felt as if I saw this one before Jurassic Park, it seems this one was released a year after that one came out so it must have been next in line. I remember going to the movies with some friends from school and we were all shedding tears at some point when we thought Simba's dad died.

I shared it before in the soundtrack edition, I loved the movie soundtrack even as a child and I can still remember how some of these songs went, even until today. It was a pretty impressive movie for us to see and it was the talk of the town for a long time.

Something in my head said I saw "The Neverending Story" in the cinema too but that one came out when I was just born so it must have been one of these impressive movies I saw on videotape instead. I tried digging in my memory but for my childhood, these are the only ones I'm sure of (and movies that came after) so it's possible that I went to the cinema's for the first time around age 9. But I'm not 100% sure.

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First time cinema with my eldest

When my oldest daughter was almost 5 years old, I took her to the cinema for the first time. It was not that we had a lot of money, on the contrary, we were quite poor for a few years. Our municipality had this arrangement for people under a certain income threshold, we could apply for a yearly bonus of 100 euros which we could spend on certain things where the municipality made a deal. You had to apply, and children living with you automatically received their own 100 euros with the approval.

An example of things we did thanks to that arrangement was go to an indoor playground where we could even have a lunch included with fries and Dutch frikandellen which was a favorite for many kids there. Thanks to the arrangement (until they changed it) we were able to have a special afternoon out including some drinks and food which always felt like a special afternoon. The kids could release the energy and we could chill there.

The favorite thing we did though was visit the cinema. We found out that the cinema was also included in this arrangement and we were able to buy a drink and popcorn with the same funds as well, making it a complete evening or afternoon out without having to say no to the request for popcorn or a drink. Once I discovered the cinema being optional, I decided to take my daughter there most Wednesday afternoons so we had some mommy and daughter time. I remember she truly enjoyed it and it was great fun.

One of the movies I saw with here was "Sinterklaas and Diego, the secret of the ring". In Holland we don't only have Santa Claus but we also have "Sinterklaas" bringing gifts at December 5. Back then almost every year a movie was released in cinema and they all had different story lines. This is the one we went to see together:

I remember her first time in the cinema, it was so impressive and she loved every minute of it. I remember she kept raving about these moments we visited the cinema together. When we all went together, it was different, it felt a bit like cheating as this was our moment. I still cherish these moments. Thankfully for her, her brother only joined us once, he could not sit still, he was too young back then. So he kind of ruined the moment, and the movie sucked too. It was SpongeBob SquarePants.

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First time cinema for my youngest

This was a first timer for all of us, not only was it her first time cinema in general, it was our first time in the Spanish cinema. She turned 7 and had never seen a cinema from the inside before. We thought it was time to take her and did so on her birthday. We picked a movie that we hoped we would all enjoy and went to "Momias" (Mummies).

We gave her popcorn and a slushpuppy drink and she sat there enjoying the movie to the fullest with a big bucket of popcorn on her lap, haha. I totally expected some language issues, but it turned out I could understand most of the movie and even laugh about the funny moments. She said she also understood most, which kind of makes sense as they speak Spanish to her in school as well.

She really loved the big cinema thing and I think we will pick a cinema moment more often from now on when we find a movie worth watching in the cinema. Compared to her older sister, we have some catching up to do in terms of cinema visits, lol.

This first time experience turned out great and I'm looking forward to the next movie we will watch in a Spanish cinema. I will refrain from picking the original audio and go for Spanish all the time now that this one turned out great.

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What do you remember from your first time cinema visits?

Can you recall which movie you saw first? Or is your memory a bit blurred like mine? Maybe you do remember the first time visits with your child(ren) and want to share these? I'd love to see some comments below.

Thank you for stopping by and next week I'll be back with another edition of Cine Kids.

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Have a great weekend! Make and sure to follow our Twitter account and join our discord channel.

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The never ending story? Is that the one with big dog flying? Oh I love that though I only seen it on television when I was a toddler. I love even the themesong. It is a classic!!

I remember being in a cinema and I was like 10 years with my whole fam and we watched a romance comedy type of movie, I can't remember the title


Ooohhh... I loooved that movie so much 😉 was one of my favorite ones growing up. And Jonathan Brandis was my big crush 😁 lol


Oh another fan I see, haha. Great minds :)

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Yes, Jonathan Brandis played the lead and there is another one I guess. Oh it brings me back to the past!!


For sure, it's one of these classics..


Yes! That one, did you love it as much too? It was a favorite of mine when I was little and the themesong yes! In fact, I will now add it to the movie soundtracks list for the next round because it brings up memories ..

Oh a shame you can't remember but it's the same in my case, I'm not 100% sure either :) lol

Thanks for stopping by, I appreciate it!

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You need to post the soundtrack, I just went to youtube to hear the song again. It reminds me of lots of movies I saw when I was young. Then I remember back to the future, labyrinth, and date with an angel. Even the movie ET!!!


Oh gosh, yes! ET haha.. I don't remember date with an angel but I do remember back to the future and labyrinth .. I bet @papacrusher would now make fun of me as I was so sure there was a unicorn in the neverending story (confused it with labyrinth)

Totally prepared to be laughed at leaving this comment :) GO! :)


Really, there is a unicorn in never ending story hahahaha, I can't recall it on labyrinth too, but I remember the beautiful Jennifer connelly and David Bowie are there. Date with an Angel is with Phoebe Cates. I am a fan of movies in the 80s. I remember my fave movie when I was 3 was Die hard lol


No no no, I made another mistake haha .. the neverending story was where I thought was a Unicorn, but when I thought this I actually meant Legend.. @papacrusher still hunts me today with this, but now he has more food for jokes as I now included Labyrinth in the mix lol

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What kind of parents allow their toodler to watch Die Hard, still laughing here


OMG as a toddler lol, that's a bit uhm, strange indeed :)

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NOOOOO! you confused it with Legend rofl!!!!!!! I can't leave you guys for a few weeks alone lololol


OMG you're right lolol

It was Legend, gosh.. what would I do without @papacrusher reminding me :)

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Oh Legend, is that with Tom Cruise?


I looove this, and funny cause I was just about to do a post this weekend about one of my favorite movies growing up that also was one I saw with my friends in the cinema.
Edward Scissorhands with Johnny Depp, from 1990.

Wasn't my first cinema movie tho, but I do remember what movie I saw first in the cinema.
A famous swedish Childhood movie that I was so young when I saw it that I had nightmares after 😜
My mom felt so for taking us.

The movie is : Bröderna Lejonhjärta and is a fantasy adventure novel by Astrid Lindgren that was published in the fall of 1973.

So I saw it many years later but that Astrid is the person I grew up with listening and she done all the Childhood movies I grew up with, also working with kids in preeschool has told me that love for her movies lives on strongly 😁

The movie is about a boy who get sick and dies, then he meets his older brother who died a few years before and they come to the afterlife world called Nangijala.

And in Nangijala the brothers experience adventure and together with other resistance fighters they fight against the oppression of the evil Tengil and the dragon Katla.

So ya... Lots of scary soldiers and knights for a 3 year old me 😜

Ofcourse I seen it after and I don't got scared, but I think more like the Age 7 or 10 is more right Age to see it... I dunno... Lol

So that was my first time seing a movie that I still remember and seen plenty of times.
Thank you for always bringing much fun to us and make us remember 😊

And Jurassic Park is a movie I remember seing to, not in cinema but I loved that one.
And the lion King I saw in the cinema with my 2 nephews.

Movies are awsome and I am totally a movie freak 😁 lol

Happy friday ❤️🤗🌸


Hi dear @saffisara, I'm a bit late responding, sorry!

I will make sure to check if you wrote the post by now! That's great timing haha.

Haha that seemed a bit too much for a three year old indeed, glad to read it didn't keep you from being a huge fan of Astrid Lindgren after this, seems like this person had a huge impact on many children reading your comment.

Thank you so much for stopping by dear, hope to see you again in another edition :)



at this stage of my life, it is easier to remember the first time we took our daughter, Little Miss to the movies for the first time - the movie was Bolt, a darn fun film. As for first films I remember in the theater, I have vague memories of some Disney films, and a couple of early films for me when I was a bit older, around age 10 - first John Wayne movie - The Green Berets - first Raquel Welch movie - Fantastic Voyage. Not exactly the very first movies in theater for me, but I remember seeing those clearly.


Ah that's cool too! I can imagine it's hard to dig deep and find the actual first movies, I also can't say I'm sure about mine, lol. I have to google Bolt though as I don't know which movie that is :)

Thanks for sharing some personal stories again @thunderjack!

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Bolt is a really fun movie, well worth seeing. There are so many films out there these days, have to be a bit selective now. But trips down memory lane are always fun.



Oh yes, indeed! Today there will be another trip down memory lane Cine Kids edition..

I googled it, will see where we can watch it, looks fun!

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Just a warning! I am old so my first memory is seeing the original Star Wars in 1977! I was five at the time. I'm sure I had gone before that but that is the first one stuck in my memory! This is a great post, thanks!


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I watched A New Hope in '77 with children! My two step daughters. It was magical and I still watch it routinely.


Looks like your reply there to the !LUV bot was intended for @thebighigg's comment. 🤗

Have some !LOLZ too! 😁


Star wars... I Loove the original ones the most 😜 and it is one of the BEST classics ever.


Definitely, I remember being hooked after the first one and was really exited when Empire Strikes Back came out!


Me tooo 😁 lol
Those classics has it all.
Happy weekend 🌸


No warning needed, everyone is welcome here! If you have kids, if you have grandkids or nieces etc, not going to exclude anyone here :)

Thank you for leaving a comment and thank you for the compliment.. I hope to see you back in future posts to bring back other memories..

Have a good weekend...

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The first movie I have any memory of was The Empire Strikes Back. I know that my Dad also took me to see the original Star Wars in theaters but I don't really remember. I clearly remember seeing Indiana Jones and The Raiders of the Lost Ark though.

I seem to remember It being a big deal when Jurassic Park was first shown on TV.


I think I'm from another era, I don't remember that movie. But I will google it as I'm curious. I think I also saw Indiana jones (one of them) in the cinema but can't recall which.

Thank you so much for your engagement, I hope to see you back in a future post :)

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Raiders of the Lost Ark was the first and best Indiana Jones movie. I think it was released in 1981.


Ok so definitely not the first one, IF I saw any, maybe it will come to me one day ..


Dumbo. The movie was originally released in '41 but my parents took me in '55. I remember the cavernous theater and the size of the characters on the screen. It was a huge deal for me...

And let the record show that I suffered about a 3 day meltdown after the movie. Mom says I sat on my stool and cried softly until Wednesday after a Sunday show. Also let the record show that the theater was a bit over 100 miles from home, a really major undertaking.


Awww... That movie is the sweetest ever 🐘 Dumbo the cute elephant.
Sad and beautiful.


Oh I can imagine, that must have been a big deal indeed. I can also recall that the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park were extremely big haha.

Oh that's sad about the meltdown but you know, I see this with my kid too, long trips and many first impressions or new triggers from whatever that's there cause change in behavior here as well. 100 miles from home in your case is a big deal!

Thank you for stopping by and sharing your personal story @bigtom13!

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I don't remember any of the circumstances of the trip. It would have been in a '53 Ford Two door that my Dad modified for child hauling :) Made the backseat into a bed. It would have taken several hours with stops required for children needs. I was 4 my brother less than 1.

About the meltdown: I've never watched the movie again, though I've been tempted a time or two. Likewise with Bambi and Old Yeller. I seem to assume trauma and carry it with me.


Honestly, you were probably a sensitive child, and there's nothing wrong with that.. A shame that it caused you trauma of course.. I can't even remember the movie Dumbo any other than that it's about an elephant so I can't recall what must have been so shocking.

But looking back on Disney movies we watched as a child, many seem to be a bit scary or less nice for kids even though they are cartoons.. We all watched them probably, but never noticed these things. I notice it now when my daughter watches something that makes her mood go down rapidly. A reason for me to end the tv time ;)

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They took him away from his mother. What can I say?


It's hard to remember one hundred percent my first movie in the cinema, but I think it was the original Zorro played by Alain Delon.
The movie thing comes to me because of my thirst for knowledge, because I love reading too, and like you my mother was poor and not a big fan of movies.
Excellent publication.
Thanks for sharing. Cheers and best regards.


Oh that's pretty cool the original Zorro!
And I think many can relate that the cinemas was not something everyone could do growing up. My mother was a single mom and it was a treat whenever we could do that. Not something we could do often though.

Thank you for sharing, tomorrow there will be a new edition of Cine Kids :)

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