ChisVR Funding Ac...


Donation fund for @Chisdealhd with Community support with all round World. Can donate how many Hive / HBD you Like but no Refunds. You see Goal on @chisdeal...



|| Welcome to The NCS Shifters Music Channel || We play DCMA Friendly Music from Nightcore, NCS, Pretzel Rocks, Nighty9Lifes and many few DCMA Friendly. We love have you onboard with us Enjoy and Support our Content to Long run. You can Donate US @ https://streamelements.com/thencsshifters/tip https://www.buymeacoffee.com/TheNCSShifters OR https://apps.chisdealhd.co.uk/profile/?user=chisdealhdyt You can find us Other places like Twitch, VIMMTV, TROVO, DLIVE, YouTube and many other Streaming Platforms / Video Content Platforms || THIS CHANNEL OWNED BY OWNER CHISVR & COMMUNITY OF ALLOYXUAST ||


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Twitch / VimmTV Streamer | Owner / Leader of AlloyXuast | Content Creator | Loves to Code stuff in NodeJS, PHP, CSS, HTML,JS | Hardstyle Animator on VRChat/ChilloutVR


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