Gemünder Maar - Reflections Hunters Contest 172


Hello Reflections Hunters Friends

This is my first time entering the #reflections contest on #Hive. I was thinking about this for a while now and never shot a photo for it. (The same for the shadow contest) But here we are and I have 2 photos from the 'Gemünder Maar' which is located in the Eifel. We are here for the 4 day hiking tour but we have problems for doing it. We are all slightly injured after the first day and today they predicted a thunderstorm and heavy rain and eventually hail.


This photo was made yesterday and the clouds are perfectly mirroring in the lightly wavy water. On the other side is a place where you can officially swim but it wasn't allowed where I took this photo. We saw just one person swimming in the water earlier. I think most people did already go home because it was around 18:00.


Just a bit later and another location the reflection changed. No clouds but the shodows of the trees where mirroring in the water. We went completely around the Maar and back home.

Thanks for reading!

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Posted using Ecency Love

Images and screenshots are from me

0.22716252 BEE

Great that you joined the reflection contest, welcome @chaosmagic23
What beautiful shots of reflections, this is a unique postcard of reflections

0.00188114 BEE

Thx! Finally I made it into the contest. 😅

0E-8 BEE

Good morning dear friend @chaosmagic23 how are you?
Welcome, what beautiful shots you chose to participate, I love the reflections you got. beautiful shots.
May you enjoy the weekend

0.00097280 BEE

Thank you and thanks for the reblog! I have to work at the weekend but then holidays starting for me.

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