When she is in love


There is this saying that girls have turned to poems, they say, Love is not about money I will admit a bit that it is not just about money but still money is part of what makes a relationship solid and fun...

Girls are loyal to their feelings, if you buy her the whole world if you are not the one, you can't be the one, you may give them expensive things and they will end up cheating on you with someone who just makes them laugh, that is how they are designed..

The mistake that some guys make in a relationship is hoping she would change, they keep tolerating her lousy behavior towards them, and her nonchalant attitude, and in the end, they lose their self-worth and still end up breaking up..

Some guys do the mistake of begging for love which is wrong, never beg a lady to be yours, it is okay to ask politely though, ask her out like a man...

You see text like, please be my girlfriend, if you don't agree, I will die or I won't eat is wrong! you are putting pressure on her, and if she eventually succumbs to your pressure, you won't enjoy the relationship because her heart and mind are not with you....

Ladies know what they want and trust me, a lady who loves you will not make it hard for you, you will see the green light and she will make it very easy for you to ask her out, she will actually do all the necessary things and carry you to the finish line and in your mind, you will think you ask her out not knowing she was the one that asks you out indirectly...


What are the signs you need to look out for when you are in a relationship with a girl

  • Communication- A girl who loves you will always want to talk and listen to you, she wants to know everything about you, where and how you spend your day....

There is no relationship without communication, when two are in love, there will always be something to talk about, it is either she is gisting you about those asking her out or you are gisting her about your work......There is always something to talk about...

  • Sacrifice: Love is a feeling that makes us put the other above us when you are in love with someone, you tend to want to do things that will be inconvenient for you just to make them happy, it could be her traveling from her state just to see you in your state, so many crazy things....

  • Protection: When a girl is in love, she starts to act like your mother, she will be more concerned about your safety and even fight for you if necessary, that protecting mode just kicks in and it is normal since no one wants any harm to come to those they love...

  • Jealousy: My girlfriend is too jealous, she does not want to see me with other girls, my brother be happy, it is a sign she loves you and doesn't want to share you with others,. a girl who has no feelings for you won't be that way if she sees you in the midst of girls or you talking to another girl because she doesn't care!.. A little bit of jealousy is good but when it becomes too much and she becomes violent to the extent of getting physical or destroying things, my brother run o...

Number 1 is very important, if she doesn't care about this and can cut communications with you for 2 to 4 days, there is a chance you are just a side cock or someone she is using until she finds her Mr right...

Just call me Burl.

I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast

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God exists, I am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a payday
Don't wish for it, Make it happen

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You have given detailed knowledge about relationships 🙂.

I think self-respect is the most important thing for us and we should not beg for love because there is nothing we can get by begging. I hate those who beg for love. They are worst than a beggar.



thanks man, begging doesn't make them totally ours, it makes them pity us, accept us and use us because they see how desperate we are


Great post! I think one of the worst thing that a man can do is ignore the signs hoping that it will change after some time. It rarely does. Better to move on that waste one's time and resources.


many have committed this mistake and the end result was not good, sometimes we learn the hard way


The point were you made mention that love is not about money
