Splinterlands battle mage secrets: Keep your distance

Hello Splinter nerds

Been a busy week, I have not been so active with blogging.

This week's sSplinterlands battle mage secret is Keep your distance

In this ruleset, all but melee attackers can be used in battle.


We were given 1 more additional rule which is Rebirth, all monsters will be born again once after their death.

Only 3 splinters were available in this battle and I knew that there would be a similarity between me and the opponent's formation if he knew his game.

Just as predicted, he came with Lily shield paw summoner with the Camouflage, triage, and +1 health ability which was the same summoner I used, our monsters are the same too except 1, He came with two scattershot monsters while I used 1 scattershot and 1 monster with the weapon training ability to be able to eliminate his strong tank faster...


The option to choose from was small so it is quite easy to predict what the opponent could come up with and the same goes to the opponent too, he could predict what I was going to use and if there were going to be any changes, it would be slight.

My Formation

Grimbardun Smith

Smith earned his position as a strong tank because of its ability, the opponent also used it but I was able to defeat his own faster because of the monster with oppress ability that I used, Oppress is a nonattack monster killer.



The Rage was placed in the second position Smith can benefit from his weapon training ability, it gives Smith 3 magic power, rage also has Life Leech which I find useful in battle as it keeps it in the arena longer due to the health supplement, I was not surprised the opponent also used it.

Lurking Puffer

The puffer also got 3 magic from rage and another weapon training monster I used making it become a monster with a double attack of magic and range power, the opponent also used this monster but his own only had a magic attack. It helped to be able to defeat the opponent tank after it removed the armor.*

Ava The Undaunted

This is the second weapon training monster I used and it has the range power... It helped to defeat the opponent's smith with her oppress ability

Goblin Psychic

goblin psychic mini.png

The team is not complete without a healer to supply health to the monster at the front of the battle


Acid shooter

I thought I was going to lose the battle when I saw that the opponent used 2 scatter-shot monsters but my Acid shooter gave me hope as it kept targeting one of the opponent's monsters with the life leech ability, it poisoned and reduced his health till I was able to eliminate it.

if you want to be a part of this week's Splinterlands Battle mage secrets, you can join from here

All pictures are gotten from Splinterlands lore and game

Just call me Burl.

I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast

Discord: burlarj#8326
Twitter id: burlarj1
Telegram: burlarj
God exists, I am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a payday
Don't wish for it, Make it happen

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


That's a some great stuff right that. It's interesting how strategy plays out in Splinterlands battles. Keeping your distance seems crucial indeed, especially with the rebirth rule. Wow friend Your insights on using oppress and life leech abilities are very great... Thanks for this


The oppress ability really helps in the battle


Epic strategy good friend, keep it coming 🥰🥰🥰💯💯


It was obvious you weren't going to win with those magic cards. The Ava the Undaunted did incredible damage with that weapons training. Good win. The brawl of the big boys


Yup, we both killed the magic by using the silence ability ... thanks!


Give your Acid shooter some money for saving you😅😅
