Some risk are not worth taking

Hello friends


Today marks the end of the first-semester examination, it was fun, educative, and stressful!, the fun part is that I got to know more people, I mean my coursemates and I got to create a bond with some of them, there are two guys that reminded me of my two close friends while I was still in secondary school because we are always together, we sit together most time in the class and till the exam ended today, you will always find us together, one girl could not even bear it anymore and she had to ask why we were always together all the time lol.

The educative part is self-explanatory, we go to school to learn right? I am studying computer science and I have learned a lot of things that deal with computers in the last three months, some words I just used to hear without knowing their meanings are now making much sense to me now after they were treated as a course outline.

The stressful part is how they keep telling us to locate one building or the other in the school premises, either to sign some forms or pay some departmental fee, it was worse during the exam period because we used different halls and classes to write each paper, it is not the same hall we use for today's paper that we are going to use for the next day.


Being someone who doesn't like to explore, I only walk on the path that leads to my class and back to the school gate that leads to where I live, I literally knew nowhere in the school until the need arose and I had to start asking others the location of certain places and some other time, I just go with others who also have the same task to complete.

My school does not condone any form of examination malpractice and that is why they took the measure of changing the classes and hall we use to write our papers on a daily basis and also made sure to monitor the students well but students will always be student, some still find a way around to cheat.

There is heavy punishment for those who break the school rules especially when it comes to examination malpractice, it is either they rusticate you or you repeat the class or you carry over the course that you were caught violating rules, it all depends on your offense.

I was checking the list of those who were caught for examination malpractice and behold, there were 2 Hnd 3 final year students among the offenders I wonder what they were thinking for them to have done that, what if their offense fell under the punishment that they will be expelled from school, this just means they wasted 5years for nothing!

I just hope they do not expel them because that just means their 5 years of being a student has gone down the drain because of one day mistake, maybe it is not a mistake and it didn't start that day, they were just unlucky to get cut but still I don't think it was worth it!

Before we do things, we need to outweigh the consequence and the good in it.

Just call me Burl.

I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker, and crypto enthusiast

Discord: burlarj#8326
Twitter id: burlarj1
Telegram: burlarj
God exists, I am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a payday
Don't wish for it, Make it happen


the students well but students will always be student, some still find a way around to cheat.

Hehe. I can understand what do you mean. and many students take the risk.

I think it's unfair to cheat in exams and I don't do it because I know my capabilities well and taking the risk of cheat is totally unreasonable when I can answer. I don't take such kind of risk but I know some classmates take the risk.


The punishment for getting caught is what is supposed to make students avoid such a thing but somehow some are still brave to cheat and jeopardize their future when caught in the act.


I never engaged myself in any examination malpractice ever since I was in school. It is very likely to get caught and I will not like to be rusticated. It is even better to try to communicate in the examination hall instead of carrying expo


yea this idea is better but then if you are sitting down with dullard, no hope for you lol


I wonder what student who engaged in exam malpractice used to think. Is it not better I study and write what I know than trying to outsmart the school rules? I love your last line, before we engage in anything, we should check out the consequences to know if it worth risking it. I hope they just pity those student and give them a chance to complete their 5 years.


not without a punishment, if they have connection, they might reduce it and just let them repeat the semesters


Some people actually take some crazy risk. You are already in your final year and you are indulging in an act that can actually render all your effort wasted in the school


yea i guess they do not think of the consequence before doing it


That's true. They don't usually think of it
