3 human traits I don't Like

If there is one thing I cherish so much in this world, it is Loyalty, I love people who are true to their feelings and this is why my family will always be my priority in life... No one can be as loyal to you as your family.

When things go bad for you, they will be there to support and comfort you, when you need protection, be sure to see them at the front ready to take a bullet for you... This is why it hurts when some people make it in life and forget about their parents and siblings who were there for them in their helpless moment, now it is a stranger who is enjoying what they are meant to enjoy with you...*

I call such people Heartless and Betrayals. Those who suffer with you in your worst moments should also be those who dine with you in your best moments.

Now back to Hive learners prompt, The three things I hate are the opposite of the three things I cherish.



I hate Betrayals with passion, We are now in a world where people would do anything to get what they want, with no feelings or care about how the victims would feel, I hate such people even if I was not the victim, Once I sense such act from someone, I distance myself from such people because I see them as a pest, I can like someone by their act toward others like I can just start admiring someone for being loyal to their friends because it is rare to come across loyal people nowadays.

I guess my hatred for betrayal is what made my friend circle to be small because people would fuck up no matter what but some people are worth forgiving over and over again, we are human and mistakes are bound to happen, while some mistakes can be forgiven, some can't!

It reminds me of what happened years ago, It was about my first girlfriend who I loved so much that I already concluded she would be mine forever, I loved her to the extent that she made my heart beat whenever I sensed her presence, few months into the relationship, she cheated on me, I was so mad at her, and it was a serious battle between my love for her and my hatred for betrayal, I forgive her because I did not catch her red-handed, I just read the text on her Facebook account, I tried using that to console myself and we make up. Still, things were never the same, I could not really forgive her for cheating on me and we ended up going our separate ways because I was not feeling her vibes anymore, I was still in love with her but I could not be with her anymore and hence why I was single for 5 good years mourning the loss of my love. I would forgive her for any other thing but cheating? that is the highest level of betrayal.



I have an A1 grade when it comes to minding my business but there are certain things that I just can't ignore especially when you are messing with my loved ones... Most of the fights I have engaged in are not my fight from the start, it is either I was defending someone dear to me or I felt they have been maltreated, I am a peacemaker and I would do anything for peace to reign but when it comes to protecting my family and friends, I can unleash Violence too but again you will hardly see me do this because those dear to me are few, it is either am fucking with you or not, but I am generally nice to everyone but when you see people am loyal to, you can easily tell how I treat them.

In a few cases, I might also try to defend a stranger if I think the victim has suffered too much and the oppressor is not ready to stop, I would intervene but if it is a do-or-die affair, I won't lay my life for a stranger because the life is not mine but for family, let us die there, they own the life.


This is another character I dislike in humans, some people will have more than you but they will still want to collect your 1 to add to their own 4 to make it 5.

I avoid this kind of person because they are not worthy to be with, imagine having a big business deal with someone with such character, he might end up killing you to keep the profit for himself, Selfishness and Greed work hand in hand so it is better to be safe than sorry... If I notice this kind of act in someone, I cut them off immediately because they are leeches and their mission is to drain you to increase themselves.

Just call me Burl.

I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast

Discord: burlarj#8326
Twitter id: burlarj1
Telegram: burlarj
God exists, I am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a payday
Don't wish for it, Make it happen

Posted Using InLeo Alpha

0.71099500 BEE

Those who suffer with you in your worst moments should also be those who dine with you in your best moments.

It's my opinion also and it should be for everyone.

Cheating is the thing I hate but honestly I believe only few person completely and it reduces the chance of being cheated.
Bully became a very common thing in recent days. I think for my loved ones I will take some steps but for an outsiders I may decide to mind my own business unless it's in an extreme case.
Selfish people should be avoided all the time for our own safety.

0.00119825 BEE

we are alike in those things you mentioned

0E-8 BEE

It's so important to me to surround myself with genuine, loyal people who truly care. Betrayal hurts deeply bro, whether it's personal or witnessed. I value loyalty above all else in relationships. Very good blog man

0.00121184 BEE

most betrayal comes from people close to us so we must learn to filter those we let into our space

0E-8 BEE

Absolutely big bro, we must learn to filter the people we let close to us, so true

0E-8 BEE

I can’t even choose one that is better amongst the three
All of them are bad, we all dislike them but some people are guilty even though they say it outside that they dislike them😅

0.00115829 BEE

Funny but true, cheaters would also say they dislike cheating, same as back biters

0E-8 BEE

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