3 Ways To Make A More Interesting Write-Up!!

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Writing is not easy, but when you do it for long enough, it stops being difficult. As you write more and more, you find it easier to be able to handle how tasking the art can be on your mind and on your person as well.

There are so many things one has to combat when writing. Laziness, procrastination, writer's block, and that evil need to be a perfectionist. All these do nothing at all to help us in our work, they only slow down and if we focus on them too much, they end up affecting what we want to put out there.

Of course, there are ways to combat this. There are ways to make your write-ups engaging even while you try to avoid all those pitfalls. There are ways to make your work interesting enough and with very little effort on your end. And that’s what I’m going to talk about today.


Go Straight To The Point!

One major thing that puts people off your writing could be that you spend way too much time beating about the bush before getting to the crux of the matter. In such cases, there are filler sentences and phrases, even paragraphs whose sole purpose in the write-up is to bloat up the word count. But then, these are things that people can easily notice because most of the time, they add nothing at all to whatever it is you're talking about and it’s usually enough to lose their interest.

I know that indeed, as any smart writer, you’d have to introduce your write-up before hitting the nail on the head. But taking your time to do that hurts no one but yourself. The intro should be as short as possible and the moment it’s over, you start talking about what you’re there for.

This is not just for the start, it holds through the middle and onto the last full stop as well! every paragraph must be important to the entire thing. When editing your work ask yourself if a write-up will make any difference if a particular paragraph was taken out. If the answer is yes, then you can leave it. But if the answer is no, then you know that the paragraph is a filler and has no job there!


Clean Formatting

I’ve talked about this particular tip before, but I’ll talk about it again. No matter how good your write-up is, if it’s not pleasing to the eye, no one will enjoy reading it. In a way, properly formatted works with typographical errors will get more attention than works without typographical errors but with horrible formatting.

Be sure to use the double space feature between paragraphs, I’ve found that it’s the best in formatting. Also, try to avoid long paragraphs, they can be very tiring to read. Learn to also use good pictures, this is especially for those who write articles, pictures and line dividers help a lot to give a colorful and enjoyable reading.

There’s a reason why you can preview your work before publishing it, however, it seems a lot of us don’t use that feature. Before you make that post, check out what it would look like and see if that’s what you want for your work. Always do that before hitting the publish button!


Pace Yourself

One of the worst things you can do to yourself as a writer is to rush the art. Write at your own pace, that’s when you’ll be able to give your best. If you rush yourself, trying to write a large amount during a short time, you might be able to achieve it, but you could end up writing something even you won’t like to read.

Apart from this, we might also end up not editing it well or formatting it well. And we won’t know any of this because we’re in a hurry and the only thing on our minds is just to publish. Pace yourself, have a special time for making posts and when you’re doing it, take your time. No rush, no mush. This isn’t a race, there’ll be no special prize for the first to publish.


In Conclusion

There you have it. There are so many steps to take to make your write-ups more engaging and these are only scratching the surface. I’ve not even talked about how the structure of your work is very vital in this aspect, but that would be for another post.

The focus of this post is basically to be able to keep your readers after they’ve read through your first paragraph. I’m sure that if you follow these steps, you’ll find out that your blog posts are coming to look more and more attractive. That alone is to draw more eyes to it.


Thank you for reading. I really hope you’ve learned something of value today, feel free to share it with me in the comments below. You can also let me know what sort of tutorial you would like me to write next. Till we meet in the next post.

N.B: All images used in this post are mine. The thumbnail was designed using Canva.

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There is no second opinion about the use of filler sentences and paragraphs. Writing just to fill the space brings boredom on the reader's side.

Shorter paragraphs, also, make the reading feasible so the reader wants to stick.

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Go straight to the point, simple!
Thank you!


Truly writing is difficult but when we continue in the act, it becomes easy along the way. I feel blessed reading this post because It has opened my eyes to some of the mistakes I make as a writer.

I am going to pin this post on my blog, it has so much in it, it didn't only reveal where I was missing it but provided solutions and also encouraged me.. i think anyone that comes to my blog should also partake in the blessings.


I'm happy to hear this.
Everyone needs to partake in this dispensation of value!


Smiles .. the pleasure is all mine sir.
I tried to pin it on my blog, but I don't know how to. But I'll keep trying 🥰


I’d make sure that I write my next article using this guideline
Thank you for sharing with us and I’m sure it will help to make my work neater and organized


Hello there, Bruno. I hope this meets you well. Writing can be such a struggle sometimes, especially when procrastination gets in the way. Not only procrastination, but also other factors like laziness (just like you mentioned in your post), environment and mental health.

Making an interesting write up isn’t such a big deal. It is not a complex procedure as far you follow the right steps. Just like you mentioned, going straight to the point is one of the ways to make your write up more interesting.Quality is way better than quantity. In the quest to write a very long post, people add irreverent details- by doing this, they bore the readers. Of course, adding extra details isn’t against the rules. However, you have to make it make sense. Don’t drift off course.

Clean formatting- I agree with you on this, Bruno. One thing that makes a post pleasing to read is how it is presented. It is very important to make use of good and eye-catching markdown styles. Tony only will this attract readers, but also make it easier for them to use.

Moving on, eye-catching topic is also one way to your write-up interesting. Don’t just do the usual, be extraordinary.

Thanks for sharing, Bruno.


It is true that writing is not easy, I myself post a thousand words a day, so it takes a lot of effort, it takes a lot of brains, and especially one has to take care of things like this, that a person can do something wrong. Don't write what people don't like. Later, people face problems.
