Monday Market Musings | Week 24


Week 24.png

Volatility Is Back

Up and down, up and down, the crypto market seems to have entered a new volatile phase. And while this often means pretty good news for traders, it doesn't necessarily mean everyone will be happy about it. Let me put it more specifically, we are not very happy about this at Hive. As you may have noticed, Hive follows it very well when Bitcoin goes down, Hive has also followed the stagnation very well, but Hive does not know how to find the way back up. Bitcoin goes up and down but always ends up higher. Hive seems to have found a different storyline here. And needless to say, that doesn't makes us happy. What can we do about this?

Various things, but in my humble opinion this mainly has to do with a lack of external marketing. Some individuals are doing something about this, but generally speaking, there are very few people within the crypto world, and certainly outside of the crypto world, who have ever heard of Hive.

Hive Goes Down The Rankings

Hive is now sinking further away in the marketcap ranking, and there comes a time when you can say, "We've hit the point of no return", we don't want to go to that point at @brofund. Hive is our home base, and we have our community here, we confidently embarked on the adventure of building on Hive, and if that means sticking our necks out to help Hive then we will! It is no longer a secret that @raymondspeaks has started a YouTube channel. He has written a proposal for SMALL funding in comparison to other proposals to upgrade his equipment so that his videos can become more professional. And therefore MANY people can be reached and interested in Hive via YouTube. The more people see the possibilities we've created here, the better.

Get The Word Out, Unknown Makes Unloved

It might also be an idea to be active with a dedicated Hive Facebook account and tell everyone on Facebook what the possibilities of Hive are. Yes, I know, many here look down on Facebook, and believe me... my hobby is also not following the many keyboard warriors there. I don't even have a Facebook account, but my partner and I are the only ones within our circle of acquaintances and friends who cannot be found there. Almost every day I hear stories about what they have found on Facebook, what they have experienced on Facebook, and, above all, where they got in and fell for it through Facebook. Facebook's reach is enormous. Not to mention an advertising campaign on Facebook. There is a HUGE potential to tap into. X can also have that range, but so far that doesn't seem to work. Crypto is often still associated with "Nerds", according to many people you have to be very technical to find your way within the crypto world. And many people are still afraid to take that step to get into crypto. Unknown makes unloved.

The fact that unknown also means unloved brings the need to go out much more to publicize Hive. And that's where Ray comes in again with his proposal. Let me be clear, regardless of whether the proposal is funded or not, Ray is going to expand his YouTube anyway. The equipment to make the videos more professional will be available anyway. It just takes a little longer.

If you haven't read the proposal, please do so. Give the YouTube channel a follow, and if you have suggestions for Ray to cover in one of his next videos ... don't be shy and throw them in the comments!


That’s the problem.
Still don’t know if HIVE will ever worth $3 again.
The volatility never gets to hive🤲


Already voted on the proposal. It could be a good thing if it actually passes.
