Monday Market Musings | Week 23 | 2024

Week 23.png


I haven't focused much on the overall crypto markets this week. But a kind of fairy tale has arisen in my head. And today I thought it would be nice to tell this fairy tale. Sit back, let it sink in, and if you feel like it... think about it!

Once upon a time

In the distant digital kingdom called Cyberspace, there lived a great wizard. He wanted to be known as Satoshi Nakamoto. No one knew who he was, he didn't want to be known, people only knew him as a mysterious hermit. Maybe even a time-traveling hacker. Or perhaps he was like a cat with nine lives and a keyboard. That's not the point. This Satoshi had a dream. He wanted a currency for the people that kings and banks could not control. And so it was, on a stormy night in 2009, Satoshi gave birth to the very first Bitcoin.

His name was Bitcoin or BTC, a nickname he received from childhood when he embraced the spirit of an adventurous rebel. He was not born out of excess, glamour, or sophistication but out of written text popularly known as ‘the whitepaper’ and a seemingly random jumble of the computer language known as code. He soon commenced his adventurous journey and had to trek through cliffs and over rocky hills. As a result of his being very influential, he was able to garner a lot of friends and at the same time, he also managed to get many foes. And enemies were always waiting to play mischief on him. BTC found people who embraced him and cared for him like their child, but many people who disagreed with him accused him of fraud and wanted him removed from his palace.

It didn't take long before the second wizard appeared in the kingdom of Cyberspace after Satoshi. This wizard was rather impatient. His name was Vitalik Buterin. And young, genius, and exceptionally driven Vitalik wanted better. He thought that BTC was too bureaucratic. That’s while he compared it to a dragon without a fire. And thus the new currency was created for the people to avoid evil kings and banks. And in the ever-evolving Cyberspace, it didn’t take long for Ethereum to be adopted. However, there was a major demerit of Ethereum- it boasted a high cost for performing simple operations on its network. These digital roads to the platform and the marketplace were costly to maintain so the tolls you had to pay at the highways’ booths before you could move an inch were sky-high! Nevertheless, Ethereum also achieved a lasting victory in Cyberspace under the nickname ETH.

In this particular fairytale, it has only begun. There was a person who once dreamed of having a world that had a coin that narrates stories and gives back for creating content. This Ned Scott wanted to be the real hero of the people and so he planned how to create a new province where he could become a legend. Cyberspace people loved storytelling, everyone had something to say or show. Ned Scott wanted to achieve the transformation of the world to have a stage where his province could act like a digital bard, and every inhabitant could be someone giving stories to the bard. This is how Steemit, the platform, was born. A social media that enabled people to share their ideas and creations and be rewarded for doing so. It was a completely new concept to many people. Steemit acted like a Bard, wandering from place to place and bringing stories to everyone, rewarding the writers and other content creators with gold. Creating a new region, now known as the Steemit province of Cyberspace, Steem very quickly began to see a new digital flowering of tales, all created by and for the citizens of Cyberspace.

But one day a dragon named Justin Sun appeared. Justin was the king of Tron and he had targeted Steemit to be a part of his kingdom. Justin let out a battle cry, using his huge paws and spewing out fire from his mouth. It eventually got to a scorching takeover and after much protestation from the inhabitants, Ned relinquished the keys of the gateway to the Steemit kingdom to the dragon.

The citizens of Steemit were not defeated, but they were working to avoid the dragon. And led by some fierce rebels the inhabitants of Steemit took up a challenge. In this grand empire of Cyberspace, a brand new block was established for the formation of a new province. Therefore creation of the new province was done and the name that was given to it was Hive. That was how Hive would stay as one of the last bastions of Internet freedom, choice, and of creativity. Then suddenly, the hardcore workers of Hive had to seize the moment and their new kingdom began to emerge rapidly leaving the disturbing dragon of Steemit far behind.

And so four years later, instead of being a kingdom of stories and content like they hoped it would be, Hive seems to have become more of a stablecoin. And while the whole crypto world was swinging and storming, Hive remained practically still. As you can understand, this was not considered a good thing. This stability is not what the inhabitants wish to see. It was also criticized that even coins such as Pepe, the useless frog meme that doesn't have any functional values, were performing way better than Hive.

Of course, everyone in the Hive Province must know that despite the highs and lows, Hive’s story is not over, but there is a lot of work to be done. The province needs to be expanded, and they need to make Hive wanted! That’s all a big job and not an easy job. Every inhabitant needs to work on that if they only knew how. They need to convince new people that Hive is a great province to live in. It's not easy, but no one ever said it would be. Despite the major job that has to be done, Hiveans are still able to create content and the Hive bard keeps on rewarding the hard-working inhabitants for the joy they're bringing. So let's hope for the sake of Hive that the province will be able to expand, to grow, and the economy can flourish once again.

Let's hope this fairytale will end with "And all Hiveans lived happily ever after".

In time we'll look back at what happened with Hive!


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