I'm Quite Happy How Things are turning out

new youtube (1).png

A lot of you know that I faced a lot of personal financial struggle in 2023. Not only did the bear happen intensely, but because of that my funds were locked up in various projects scattered across the cryptosphere and I had some personal stuff happen too.

That meant that I was basically surviving on nothing and having to get the family to help as we secured ourself some financial assistance to get through this rubbish. I'll admit I was hugely sideswiped by the bear over the last two years I was caught with my pants down because I dropped the ball.

It was wholly thanks to @stickupboys far having his curator and curating the music community that kept LGN afloat. I wouldn't have survived had it just been me that was picking up the tab for the 60,000 inflation we gave out in the air drop. Lots dumped it into oblivion. But, thanks to sub, and stickupcurator we actually still have a project left to work with and a bright future.

LGN also has assets, which will mature in the bull market so that's going to be quite exciting also.

Now that we're getting started with a LGN curator looks like we'll be eating those tokens off the market like no-ones business. And because we're not handing the token out like peanuts anymore it means that those LGN might actually start getting aten up quicker than you can sell them. We will see though, and time will tell.

I have spent the last three to four months learning how to get better at youtube and applying all that I've learned. My latest video is very different in contrast to my very first one. There's quite a difference in quality. But that's what I'm going for: quality.

We'll build this slowly and anything we earn from it at a much later date (because YouTube is probably one of the slowest to get going) will go into buying back our tokens, after I've compensated myself for my time of course. It's exciting!

But you know, that's not it at all. We'll have some exciting news in the next week or so about something we're doing and that's going to be fun and I expect you'll all like it.

This will all tie in together in the end. I'll probably write a new whitepaper because our goals and outcomes have radically changed over the last two years from what we learned from the last bull market. It has been an interesting journey with highs and lows lets say and we've came away from it tougher and stronger than ever before.

And BRO? Well, that's always been solid. With its own wealth of assets we're steaming ahead into the bullmarket with more than we raised from the crowdsale back in 2019. So it's still all there.

Exciting huh?




@brofund! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ cryptoyzzy. (10/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.
