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Hello BROs!

Good afternoon in the BRO Newspaper for this Sunday. It seems that the market is still in a very uncertain phase. Nothing to really get excited about yet as we can still go either way. Both the upside and the downside, both are possible.

So let's take a look at what news we were able to find. You would expect that there should be enough news available because a bear market is the time to expand projects.


Building for the future is well underway at BROFI. The HivePower is currently growing at a good rate. A whole load of Hive Power is added every month. Currently, BROFI is at almost 17,000 HP in just a few months. Let's see where BROFI stands in a while when the entire crypto market has recovered.

We would like to make the side note, to build up the HP, we are actually not even unhappy with this bear market. If there's one thing you can say that the bear is smiling at someone, it's at the people who want to build up their Hive Power. That goes much faster in the bear market.

The 20 Hive Fun Question

So are you guys all ready for a new question to win 20 Hive? I sure hope you are. It looks like questions about crypto are more appreciated. LOL. I will stick to that and have a nice new question for you later. Last week we wanted to know:

What is your take on the whole FTX drama? The role of Binance? The 'rescue' of Justin Sun? And what do you think the next six months will look like for the crypto markets?"

@slothydoesit has given the answer which gives him 20 Hive. Congratulations.

So now on with the new Hive Fun Question. If you're ready to give a nice answer, we are ready to read your answers! For 20 Hive

What's the dumbest mistake you've ever made related to crypto?

Let us know in the comments below, we are very curious about your answers! Prize for the most interesting answer!


  • CTP

We haven't talked much about the projects that have been running on Hive for a while, but today a blog from @ctptalk caught my eye. We all know that @jongolson and @blainjones are behind this of course. And what's the news then?

That news has everything to do with the INDEX income token. An Index Token Proposal System will be created in which the CTP token will also be used.

Sounds good right? If you want to read more about this, I recommend you read the blog announcing and explaining it.

Leo's sooniverse has come up again, with talk of developments at a 10x speed on the Leo Threads

Meanwhile, many people enjoy their GLX airdrop every day and it looks like this is currently the latest Hive Hype.

And last but not least, Hive itself, like the rest of the market, has fallen, and despite a small 2% increase today, it is very uncertain whether this increase will continue. Perhaps it is safe to say that this will depend on what the crypto as a whole still has to endure and whether the fallout from the FTX drama is now over, or whether we should expect more waves.

What will in any case be a safe assumption is that more and more awareness is being created among people how important DECENTRALIZATION really is. And that exchanges are far from being decentralized. At the end of the day, that's what crypto is all about, and Hive is a bit ahead of the curve!


Before you participate, check the announcement blog so that you see what the rules are.


  • Sometimes you come across wise words of disagreement from someone you wouldn't expect. That happened to me today as I was scrolling for something fun to throw in the gossip section.

    A conversation between two people, one of whom said "I'm bad at blogging". And the wise words came from @bearbear613: "You only suck at it if you quit"

    That is so true! Your rewards may be a bit disappointing in your opinion, but that doesn't mean you're not good. The only time you really suck at blogging is when you stop. Thanks for those wise words Bear!

  • Now that the people of Neoxian City have started the charity via @neo-care, the first donations have already come in very generously. Great of course! Hopefully this will continue. The people who need it will be grateful to everyone. Will you follow the lead of @raymondspeaks, @xawi and @stickupboys?

    Great that Hive can make this difference, right?

  • We have told about EMP.MONEY so many times in the Bro Newspaper, and we will certainly continue to write about it because the necessary changes within the EMP ecosystem are planned for the near future.

    But that's not what I wanted to write about today. Today I want to take the time in the gossip section to congratulate the EMP team lead on his impending fatherhood! Yup, you read that right… in a few weeks now, @abrockman will be a father again.

    So exciting times! Hopefully all will go well and AJ and his wife can welcome their little one into the world soon!


Guys and galls, I wish I could bring more positive news to you. But this is it for this week. Just a reminder for you that you can take on a subscription to this Sunday Surprise Post / Newspaper! One tag each week when we drop the post online. You can get the subscription by just leaving a comment here that you want to take on a subscription, and if you want to get out, that's just as easy too. Just leave a comment that you want to cancel your subscription, and it's done!

With this note I leave you for this week. If you feel there's something in this newspaper you'd like to chat about with us?

You can find us here;


Make sure to also give our TWITTER a follow

Have a good week BROs


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 132 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!


I don't know if it's a mistake but in the middle of the ICO fever I received some Dentacoin tokens for some work I did for them that soon were worth $35,000 and I didn't sell them. Now the fees are not worth it.
In my defense I will say that I do not know if there was liquidity to sell them.
It was a very crazy time and I had a few more like this.


My dumbest mistake was buying Hive with fiat through Binance after HF26. I didn't remember that they had suspended deposits and withdrawals, so I was weeks without money and Hive. 😅


My dumbest mistake was leaving my vyb tokens when the price of my total stakes was worth over 100$ now it is worth less than 10$

Kindly add me to your subscription list


The biggest mistake I have made is not selling my eGLD when it peaked at around 500. Now it is back down to almost exactly where I bought it in 2020 for a total return of about .02%


I sold my lambo and invested in FTX heavy.


The dumbest mistake I made in crypto was selling my BRO 😭
