An early morning post!


Good morning folks. I'm up late tonight because my kid just wouldn't sleep. And when I wanted to have this written by about 10pm, it's now way into the 2am mark. Sometimes I curse my life but I know this is the time when I like it. 2am, quiet, everyone asleep, I can get on with some work.


Time to update you all on how it's going on with Splinterlands and how we're fairing with that pot I said I would promise you that I would be building.

Here is our stats.


So far our tract is earning us 7.549 sps an hour. That's 181.176 sps per day. Which translates into 1268.232 sps per week. We have 1 sps site in the works which is looking to add at least another 1sps an hour to our totals.

We're slowly but surely opening up all our plots to farm in the coming months. We're looking to turn this into an absolute earning powerhouse. Right now though, we will just build for now. Our research is doing well too, with only 2 plots opened up so far we are mining around 15 research points an hour. We still have at least 12 more to open, which we plan to.

Over the last week to farm lands we have purchased a few more cards at a good price. Spending around $30-$50 each to get us a good rate on our mining as we plan to open up more.

Our sps/dec pool is looking health with around $650 in there and rising.


So far this sps/dec pool is earning us around 2 sps an hour roughly (give or take)


Currently we are stacking and growing nicely. This will only get better as we soldier on in to the bull market. I am hoping so at least.

The plan for all this eventually is to send the rewards out in drips. Right now we are pennies to a pound, however I do think there are some great solid plans in the works with sps. It's a token I've been watching closely for a while. I'm very positive on it moving forward into 2024.

We're focusing solely on drips as rewards this year and next. They aren't the greatest right now but that's because we've had to batten up our hatches during the bear market. However I think we are looking at fairer waters ahead for the foreseeable future. I'm looking forward to what this year will bring us. Plenty of fruitfulness, I hope.

We are also planning to make the use of HBD as a store for our wealth over the next bull market. There is a plan to store assets into HBD so when we hit the bear market again, we will have a nice 20% to give out to everyone when times hit the hard. But for now we will focus on the game plan ahead, and that's splinterlands.

I'm also toying with the idea of playing with my old cards in browarrior. I still have an old account in there which has plenty of cards assigned to it, so I am thinking why the hell not? I am a terrible player of course but we have ourselves some nice cards that we can't sell in there, so I might just give my wife a key and get her to have a stab at the game. She loves those types of games and it would be good for her because she'll feel like she's part of what we're doing.

But, as for that it's business as usual. I have started to buy Legion again however at a very small rate. As my funds gets better and I start to get stuff released that I've been waiting for over a year then the buys will get bigger and bigger and we will start to have some fun with our accounts.

And on that note, be good people and have a nice night!


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 190 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!


I think I finally found a balance for my lands that is going to generate a sustainable amount of grain for me as well as a little research and SPS.
